Monday, July 11, 2022

Full days

 We went out to eat when I arrived in Wisconsin.  They had been busy all day packing.  And they said we were going to celebrate an early birthday for me.

Afterwards, Jill, Hannah and I went to a park to take some pictures.

Can't believe she will be a senior this fall!!

The next morning, Adam and Jill were taking Hannah to camp to be a camp counselor.

Good-bye, Kobi!

After dropping Hannah off at camp, they were going to Door County to celebrate their 20th anniversary!

Good-bye, Claire!

The girls helped me wash my car that first day.  It was so dusty from my trip up.  I had called Adam to find out where the hose was to the front of the house and where was the faucet?  "In the garage."  "IN the garage?!?"   I had never heard of such a thing, but I guess up north it has to be a thing because of the cold!

We went to the store and bought a puzzle to work on while we were there.

We took Kobi for walks most days.

Or exercized him with playing frisbee.

Claire exercized too. 

We went to two different pools.

We did art.

Sophia re-painted one of my entry rocks.

And I painted a rock too.

This represented Jill and Adam kayaking.

We went to the playground

and played out front too.

We went out to eat...

Claire made her own Ice Cafe where we ordered from a menu she made.   She made us some smoothies.

I took Sophie to her two different jobs.

What fun it was watching these kids while Adam and Jill were gone!
They are just delightful!

We missed Hannah but she was having fun at camp with kids!  

We did a couple of "field" trips and I will post that next.

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