Sunday, November 27, 2022

Big Sister

 Less than a week after getting home from Wisconsin, I was off again - this time to Colorado.  It was time for the arrival of our 7th grandchild!

I enjoy the drive out.  Stopped at Russell to see my friend, Sheryl and catch up on eachother's lives.

I had filled 2 coolers with several freezer meals for Mindy so she wouldn't have to cook when after I leave.

I was looking forward to taking care of Tenley for several days!

"Mindy, I want to take a picture of your pooch before she's delivered."

The next morning, very early in the morning, off they went to the hospital.

I was grateful that they kept shooting pictures to me.  I love technology in this sense!!

Meet Kaia Jo.
6 lb 15 oz

Tenley was a new name to me and Kaia is also.  
(Pronounced Kah-yah.)
I love that name!

In Scandanavian it means "pure".  It is a diminuative of Katherine, which is actuallly a family name of ours for many generations.  It also has Hawaiian roots and symbolizes the sea.  In Japanese, it means "forgiveness."

* * *
Tenley and I read books and played at home.
We took a walk to the park to play.

We had a snack.

After naps, Daddy came to take us to meet baby sister.

She was pretty enthralled with the fish!  We had to coax her on.

First family photo of four!

Tenley wasn't so sure about this.

We said good-byes to mommy and Kaia and went back to the house.

Eloise Wilkin wrote a little book titled "Baby Dear" about a girl whose parents give her her own baby when baby sister is born. 

 "Mommy takes care of her baby and I take care of mine."  
It is very precious.

I thought it would be a good idea to give Tenley her own little baby too.   It is a little Asian doll that my friend Bobbie gave to me to give to her.  I got her a stroller and a little suitcase for the extra clothes that Bobbies mother had sewn for it.

When I first showed it to her, she said "no, no" and pushed it away.  But when I showed her how to change her clothes, and gave her a bottle, she thought that was pretty cool.  Soon, she was pushing the baby doll all around the place and giving her a bottle too.

As mommy takes care of her baby, Tenley will be able to care for her little baby too.


  1. Love your photo journal!

  2. So fun to see your week with precious people
