Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Quick trip to Wisconsin

We've been on the road the last 2 weekends.  This past weekend we went to Arkansas and Missouri, but a couple of weekends ago, it was up north again to Wisconsin.  We had just been there the beginning of November to see Hannah's senior play.  This time we were going to see the kids in their Christmas activities.

It was a rather murky start.

It stayed cloudy all day, although the fog cleared.  

In Des Moines, we stopped to fill up with gas and a quick stop at Kohl's to look for a birthday present for our daughter-in-law.  No luck.  But I found a really nice pillow for my porch 60% off!

During the drive, Mindy sent me the sweetest picture of the girls!

We drove as far as Cedar Rapids that night.  The next morning we woke up to snow.  We saw that there was a Target close by so we stopped to look for a gift again, and found just the thing for Staci and some things for my husband's staff.

Near Mt. Horeb, we saw a couple of people in the ditches.  They seemed to be okay and were on their cell phones.  We stopped in town to use the restroom and saw a highway patrolman.  We told him and he said he would go check them out.

This is a cute little Scandinavian town.  
Little Norway.

The population is about 7,000.  In the 1800's many Norwegian immigrants settled here.  Our son-in-law has Norwegian blood in him.  And French Canadian.  And German and Native American.  He is quite the mix.

Mt. Horeb has many trolls, those mythical little creatures that are a part of Norwegian folklore.  Evidently, you can hunt for trolls in this town.

I would love to spend more time in this little town.  Pretty cute!  Maybe we'll get a B&B here sometime!  And do a scavenger hunt for trolls!

We continued to see cars/trucks off the road.  We counted 17!  We stopped to see if we could help but there was help there already.  Didn't look like there were any injuries, although it could have been bad!

The  snow stopped after Madison and it was clear going the rest of the way.

I had just been telling Allen that every place seems to use the saying "Join our team" and then we came upon this sign.  I rather dislike cliches like this.

We arrived safely around 2.  Ready to have some holiday celebrations!!

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