Sunday, December 25, 2022

The face of Jesus

Today is Christmas!  The day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  There are several baby Jesus' around my home.  This one is from the creche my mother had when I was growing up.  Sweet cherub lips; a halo to represent His purity.

This was our first ornament the year we got married.
Baby Jesus looks surprised!  
I suppose a manger was quite a contrast to the throne in heaven that He left!!

This is from a creche I purchased in Haiti.  
Just eyes on His face.

This is a picture I have on the piano.  Jesus is HUGE!  I would not have wanted to have given birth to a child that big!  My babies were 5 and 6 pounds.  But I love the picture of the angels singing over Him.  He is sleeping in peace.

I also love that Mary is holding the baby.  

This painting by Morgan Weistling is called "Kissing the Face of God".
I purchased these Christmas cards.  I kept one to put in a frame.
I just love it!  Look at Jesus' eyes and smile!

My brother made this ornament from clay.  
I love the way he portrayed Christ's sweet face.

A few verses came to my mind as I was thinking about looking at the face of God, the Baby Who grew up to be my Saviour.

A verse I really love is found in 1 Chronicles 16:11 and also in Psalm 105:4.
Seek the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face continually.

Then Psalm 27:8 says
"My heart says of You, "Seek His face!"  Your face, LORD, I will seek.

Hebrews 12:2 (Living)
Keep your eyes on Jesus, our leader and instructor.  He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy He knew would be His afterwards; and now He sits in the place of honor by the throne of God.


We got this figurine of the Good Shepherd in Israel.  He has no face.  

Francis Hook print of Jesus I had for my children.

Doesn't He look so kind?

When I think of looking at Christ's face, that is what I see.  Kindness.  Each morning as I spend time with Him "listening" to Him as I read the Bible, He shows me His kindness.  His Compassion.  Looking at Him gives me Peace.  Joy.  His eyes are filled with such love!  I can trust Him.  He is Good.  He is my Refuge and Help.

As He looks at you, He is calling you.  "Come, follow Me!"  

One day we WILL see Him face to face.  We WILL see Him with our own eyes!  I can't wait!!

"Behold He comes with the clouds and every eye shall see Him."  Rev. 1:7

"They shall see His face."  Rev. 22:4

Phil Wickham sings "Face of God" and it is lovely!!  I may not be able to post the video.  Here is the link in case it doesn't show, and the lyrics are below.

Underneath the starry sky
A mother holds a child tonight
All is calm and all is bright
She sings to Him a lullaby
… Gloria, I hear the angels singing Gloria
All of the heavens ringing, Gloria
The Savior of the world is in her arms
She's staring at the face of God
Staring at the face of God
… She looks upon the Great I Am
The gift of Heaven in her hands
Born to save the songs of earth
He was born to give them second birth
… Gloria, I hear the angels singing Gloria
All of the heavens ringing, Gloria
The Savior of the world is in her arms
She's staring at the face of God
The face of God
Staring at the face of God
Staring at the face of God
… Gloria, I hear the angels singing Gloria
All of the heavens ringing, Gloria
The Savior of the world is in her arms
… Gloria, I hear the angels singing Gloria
All of the heavens ringing, Gloria
The Savior of the world is in her arms
… She's starring at the face of God
The face of God

Don't close your eyes to Him or walk away from Him.  

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