Saturday, March 26, 2022

Stanley Marketplace... good-bye Denver.

Isn't she adorable!?  I was sad that we didn't have more time.

What's wrong, Baby?

In the afternoon, we went to a very unique place.  Stanley Marketplace.  It is a rather funky place where there are several eateries and shops.

My older granddaughters would LOVE this place!!

There were several exercize-type shops; kick-boxing, yoga, gymnastics.

I don't know if I've ever seen a building on stilts before.  Perhaps parking under apartments?  Not sure.

We took a little walk to take Bear out.

I watched Tenley the next morning for a little bit, but she began fussing and then crying.  I thought she felt a little warm.  Mindy took her temperature and she was running a fever.  That would explain why she wasn't the normal happy self yesterday.

Greg brought Marilyn over so we could head back to Kansas.

People were lined up on bridges getting ready for the truck convoy who were headed to Washington DC to protest mandates and to speak up for freedom.  I thought we might be driving with them but they weren't leaving Denver until later on in the afternoon. 

Marilyn had never stopped at the Cathedral on the Plains, and I told her she just had to see it!

You could just feel the reverence and awe; a holy hush in that place.

When we got back home, Allen and I decided to go back up to Salina to see if we could see the truckers come through.  

We asked this gentleman why the flag was upside down and he commented that our government was "upside down".  


Thursday, March 24, 2022

First visit to the Denver Zoo; Sam's Diner

Good morning, Little One!

We will have a full day!

I heard my Ring go off.  Today was a day that workers were coming to the house to fix a cracked pipe.  We had some water come into our basement, but luckily it was only the unfinished storage area.

I was able to watch them live through my Ring viewer.  Al also sent pictures of what was happening.  They had to dig out a few bushes in order to reach the pipe.  That's ok.  Al was wanting to re-do the landscaping anyway.  

In the afternoon, we went to the ...

Tenley's first visit!

The lions were gazing at the hyena next to them.  Later on, we heard their roars.  I have heard that you can hear a lion's roar 5 miles away!

Tenley enjoyed watching the penguins swim back and forth!

The howling monkeys scared Tenley!!
Poor dear!

But she really enjoyed the seals!

On the way back to their home, I enjoyed looking at these sweet homes!  I love this style of architecture!  These would make a nice dawdi haus (Grandma house)!

That evening, we went out to eat to a place called Sam's.  What an interesting place!  It has been featured on the Food Network.

Some time back, Mindy introduced me to having an egg on your burger.  It is really good!  

How does one eat this???  My mouth is not big enough! (No comments on how big my mouth really is!!  Ha!!) I ended up having to cut it up with a knife and then took half of it back to the house for another meal.

It was a fun day!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

"Stop and smell the roses" on the way to Denver

Mindy's husband was going out of town, so I asked her if she would like for me to come out to help.  She doesn't really need my help.  She is just such a good mommy, but a good excuse for me to go and love on my grandbaby!

Allen was not able to go due to work, so I asked my friend, Marilyn, if she'd like to ride along.  She has a son and family who live there.  She was glad to do so!  We said "good-bye" to our husbands and set out.  Our first stop was at my friend Sheryl's home.  It's always a good stopping point!  Always good to see her!

We were still about 20 miles from Colby when I noticed that my gas gauge was on empty!  I might have made it but I told Marilyn we probably shouldn't try.  I had actually seen 2 other people by the side of the road carrying gas cans as they had run out!  I didn't know where the next station would be as they can be far in between.  I pulled off at Mingo and there just happened to be a Co-Ag fuel stop!

I have never filled up at a place like this before!

We pulled off at Colby for lunch.
Love those Qdoba rice bowls!

Anyone who reads my blogs knows that I LOVE to travel on off-roads.  That wasn't going to happen on this trip, but I asked Marilyn if she had ever seen the Van Gogh in Goodland.  She told me that she and Dave just go from point A to Z without sight seeing.  So I told her we were going to get off there so she could see it.

You got to stop and smell the roses!!

I wanted to post the video by Mac Davis but You Tube wouldn't allow.  You'll have to look it up.  Here are the lyrics.

Hey Mister
Where you going in such a hurry
Don't you think it's time you realized
There's a whole lot more to life than work and worry
The sweetest things in life are free
And there right before your eyes
You got to Stop and Smell the roses
You've got to count your many blessings everyday
You're gonna find your way to heaven is a rough and rocky road
If you don't Stop and Smell the roses along the way
Before you went to work this morning in the city
Did you spent some time with your family
Did you kiss your wife and tell her that she's pretty
Did you take your children to your breast and love them tenderly
You got to Stop and Smell the roses
You've got to count your many blessings everyday
You're gonna find your way to heaven is a rough and rocky road
If you don't Stop and Smell the roses along the way
Did you ever take a walk through the forest
Stop and dream a while among the trees
Well you can look up through the leaves right straight to heaven
You can almost hear the voice of God
In each any every breeze
You got to Stop and Smell the Roses
You've got to count your many blessings everyday
You're gonna find your way to heaven is a rough and rocky road
If you don't Stop and Smell the Roses along the way
You got to Stop and Smell the roses
You've got to count your many blessings everyday
You're gonna find your way to heaven is a rough and rocky road
If you don't Stop and Smell the roses along the way

Marilyn and I never got tired of talking all the way.  We did listen to one sermon by David Jeremiah and a little music but for the most part we never lacked coming up with something to say!

We met her daughter-in-law at the Flying J and then I drove to Mindy's.  After unloading, Mindy put Tenley into my arms.  She was okay at first, but then burst into tears.  How sad is this that a grandbaby doesn't realize how much love her Nana has for her.  

Often people do not realize how much their Heavenly Father loves them too.  He has such affection for us and desires to love on us.  Too often people think He is a cruel, uninterested God, but this is a lie of Satan's.  Luckily, it didn't take long for Tenley to warm up to me.  One day, she will run into her Nana's arms!  And my prayer is that she will run into the arms of Jesus too!  I love this song:

You are good
You are good
When there's nothing good in me
You are love
You are love
On display for all to see

Oh, I run into your arms
I run into your arms
The riches of your love
Will always be enough
Nothing compares to your embrace
Light of the world
Forever reigns

I gave her a "noisy" toy.  Mindy just LOVES?! noisy toys.

Tenley had to show me how she loves her little jumper!  

After dinner, we walked to a gelato place close to their home.  Can you imagine having a gelato place within walking distance?!  Oh my!

Jason was leaving the next morning and then we would be having "girl time" for a few wonderful days!!  What joy to be able to drive to see my children and grandchildren.