Friday, February 10, 2023

Our trip to Colorado

I have been without a computer for about a month!  My old one broke suddenly!  It has been a long journey ordering a new one, getting it set up and me figuring it out!!

Speaking of journeys, we took one to Colorado last month to go visit our daughter and her family!   The kids were missing us!

Actually, I think they were missing their daddy who was on a work trip when Mindy took this picture.  She said she had to laugh or she'd cry too.  I can remember days as a young mom when my babies and I were all crying!  Being a mommy is hard some days!!

Bear missed me too.  I have 4 granddogs.  I used to be so very scared of dogs.  Still am a little afraid of some. (Maybe even a lot afraid!) I've been attacked or chased by dogs more times than I like.  But my granddogs are nice and friendly.

It was iffy if we could go.  The day before we went, Highway 70 was closed.  A call to a KDOT in the morning confirmed it was open.  There was plenty of snow in western Kansas and eastern Colorado!

But the roads were clear.

As we drove closer to Denver, our maps app showed the road was closed.  We had heard that 9 semis had gone into the median!  

Maps wanted us to take an alternate road; highway 86 which is a hilly 2-lane road.  If Highway 70 was closed due to snow, surely taking that road was plain dumb!  Luckily, maps was wrong and it was smooth sailing to Mindy's. 

We were so excited to see the family!

The next day, while Jason worked, we did various things, like reading books.

Even reading to Bear.  No wonder he likes me!

Papa even did some cooking without any help (he might say "interferance") from any of us!

We went to the Asian market.

We even went to a "Papa store".

Tenley is very leary of having any man besides her daddy hold her.  We were all so excited that she finally let Papa hold her!

Papa and Jason did some fixing.

Kaia was getting sleepy.

She and Papa took a nap.

That evening, we went out to eat at a Chinese place.

More fun to come...

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