Sunday, May 21, 2023

On to Bucharest!

 When we first planned an overseas trip for our 2 granddaughters, it was just us and them.  But when travel plans changed to Romania instead of Japan, our son-in-law, Adam came along.  Their church in Wisconsin has a sister church in Galati (pronounced Gah-lahtz).  Adam had been there before and would go along to preach in their church.  Anthoney, a student of Jill's at their Christian school, was born in Romania.  His parents immigrated to Wisconsin when he was one year old.  He asked if he could go so he could see his aunt and uncle and grandmother.  

We left Jill, Hannah and Claire behind.  We hope to do a trip with each grandchild.  Hannah has gone on her trip before and Claire will have her turn!  Next in line is Eli, though.  Next summer hopefully, with Papa and Josh.

Left behind.


It was a 3 hour ride in driving rain all the way to Chicago O'Hare International.  A friend of Adam and Jill rode along and took the van back to Jill (rather than park it in the long-term parking).

The international airport in Chicago is a mess right now due to construction.  My hip has been bothering me for some months (arthiritis and scoliosis) and it was hurting as I walked.  So we got a ride!

On Air France
Tight quarters!

We had to watch a video on flight safety.  We were startled to hear "Do not smoke in the bathroom or you will be persecuted." !!! I think they meant to say "prosecuted."

I sat beside a young guy who was a musician.  He was moving to Paris to be with his wife.  They are moving to the country, but first had some gigs in the city known for romance, art, culture and fashion.

The girls were seated a couple rows up from us.

We slept off and on over the ocean.  We arrived in Paris and had to go through customs again before boarding the plane for Bucharest.  We arrived just as they were boarding.  On this next flight, we 3 girls sat together and the guys in front of us.  I'm glad the girls could look out the window!

The alps


At the airport, we had to go through customs one more time.  We were met by a couple of young ladies, Ruxi and Killyn, who are with Josiah Venture.  Ruxi is Romanian and Killyn is from Wisconsin!  They work alongside the church we were going to.  Ruxi has been in the States and has actually been in Adam and Jill's home.  

They had come with the church van to pick us up.  They drove us to our hotel for the night.

We had a little rest time before going out in the city.

  I took lots of pictures.

Little vehicles because the streets are narrow!

I saw lots of guys with flowers, or girls holding flowers from their fellows.  There are many, many flower shops all over!  Ruxi told me "Of course!  A girl expects flowers!"

They took us to a restaurant.

We left the van in the parking lot of the restaurant and walked around.  We also took the subway.

There are lots of monuments and statues in Bucharest!

Al had to investigate a pharmacy.

Their banks are pretty amazing!  In our family, we have several who work in banks, but they don't look like this!

The architecture was jaw dropping!

As the rest of the group went through this covered area, Killyn took me to a coffee shop as my hip/legs were hurting.

Killyn told me her story and what brought her from Wisconsin to Romania.

When the group came to find us, we called it a day and went back to the hotel to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute truck! It looks like a toy!
    Thanks for letting us join you on your journey! Fun blog!
