Friday, June 16, 2023

Between trips

 We were home 2 weeks before we needed to head back up to Wisconsin for our granddaughter's graduation party.  Because their class is so big, they were only given 2 tickets per student.  Anyone else had to watch on-line.  But a party was planned that we could attend.

While we were home, I weeded the garden and mulched it.  Tried to get rid of the bindweed.  I got into some kind of poison leaf and my face got swollen and itched a lot.  My pharmacist husband knew just what to put on it.

We had to take down most of our burning bush as it died.  There was still a small section that was still alive though.

There was a turtle that loved the mulch!  It actually looked like it was laying eggs?  But we sort of looked later and didn't see any.

We purchased a few plants to replace those that had died this year.  Lots of people had plants die.  It was a hard year!  I still have a few to get yet.

We often take care of some of the trees around the lake.  We watered and mulched them.  I also weeded around some of the established trees.  I found this tree - another tree had grafted itself to it!

It was fastened tight!  Well, LORD, may I also be attached tightly to You!  Cling to You!  My prayer also for the young moms in the Bible study I have at church.  My friend Sarah was at our home the day we saw the snapping turtle.  We are looking at what study we might do this coming fall with the young moms.  Ideas?

I worked on the Busy Book (or Quiet Book some call them) for my granddaughter.

This is the first and last pages.

Our small group from church met.  We meet every other week after church.  We call ourselves "The Travellers" because there are usually 1 or more of us couples on the road.  But this Sunday, everyone was present!

Tarenda showed us her puppies!  12 of them!  She had already sold 5, but they weren't weaned yet so the people would have to wait to pick them up.  If you want a puppy...

Then it was time to pack and head back to Wisconsin.  We studied the map to see if we had a new route to take.  Next post!

1 comment:

  1. that plant that "binded" itself to the tree looks like poison ivy. Better check it out before touching it.
