Friday, June 9, 2023

Leaving Romania

Our time in Romania had come to an end.  Time to say good-bye to our new friends and to this country.

Before we all loaded up, an ambulance arrived in the church parking lot.  Evidently one of the Ukranian school teachers had fallen and broke a wrist so they came to get her.

After loading up, we driven to Bucharest.  Killyn was coming along as she was taking a flight to Moldova for a team meet to do some youth camp planning. 

I took some pictures out the window of the van.  

I love how this is a culture where people walk everywhere!  In the picture below, is our hostess, Helena, who was walking to the school to pick up her grandson.  She does this daily.  She walks to church most times too.  Maybe takes half an hour if I remember correctly.  She is 78 and is quite physically active.  Even climbs up on ladders to clean her windows!

People everywhere!  There are benches along the walkways so people can stop to rest or to chat with their friends.

Men playing chess

Can you tell I like people watching?  So did this person!

I was surprised to see all the people who smoke!  I grew up in Japan where most of the men smoked.  In America, it is rare to see a smoker, at least where we live.

My prayer for the believers in Romania:  

"Keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience."  
                                                                                               1 Tim. 3:9
"He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can enourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it."
                                                                           Titus 1:9

There is some opposition to the Gospel.

The arrow on the road means to get back over as a no-passing lane is coming up.

We were thankful for safety in travels.  At times, some of the drivers were pretty risky!


My husband, who grew up as a farm boy, was interested in seeing these grain elevators.

May the people of this nation come to know the Saviour of the world!

The road to Bucharest goes through many towns.  I would never be able to figure out where to go without Maps app!

Marcel took us to a McDonalds.

As we were eating, I watched this dove flying back and forth, building a nest in the tree outside the window.

When we got back to the van, there was a ticket tucked under the windshield wipers.  Marcel had to pay for parking at the McDonalds.  Others also were doing the same.  Parking was a premium at this location.

The linear train!  This train was being tested in my parent's town in Kyushu, Japan when they lived there many years ago!

We were dropped off at a nice hotel close to the airport in Bucharest.  

The rooms were nice, comparable to ones we sometimes stay at in the States.  We had watched a Rick Steve's show on Romania and we expected more rustic.  I'm okay with rustic.

The 2 shuttles leaving the hotel early the next morning did not have enough room for all the people waiting to go to the airport.  Adam and Allen were left for the next run.  As we waited for them, this lady who rode with us told us that her daughter was having to remain behind as her US passport had been stolen.  She had to wait to get a renewed one.  She had to wait with us because one of her bags had been left back at the hotel.

The guys made it and they had the lady's bag also.

The line for check-in was REALLY long.  Would we get through in time or miss our flight?  Luckily, it went pretty quickly.

However, it was taking a long time for the girls to get checked through.  The lady before them had about 7 mannequin heads in her bag and the officials were really inspecting that!  Can you just imagine being the guy looking through the screen and seeing these heads??

Good-bye Romania!

I was so glad the girls could see outside the window and that the Eiffel Tower happened to be on our side of the plane for them to see!

Anthoney had warned me that my ticket from Paris had these 4 S's on it and that would mean that I would be randomly picked to be searched.  I was.

These 3 got some pretty good seats with extra leg room!

Allen and I got very uncomfortable seats.  Tight!  And the ladies in front of us reclined their seats all the way back.  Ugh.  It was not a pleasant flight at all for us.  If we ever go overseas again, I believe we will pay extra for better seats, as Anthoney had!  I think planes have squeezed in more seats or are made a little smaller.    "Do ALL things without grumbling and complaining" yes?

The young lady next to me slept most of the way.  She was beside the window and I was able to reach over and get some photos.  Allen and I did not get much sleep on the flight to the US.  

Customs in Chicago took over an hour as they are doing a remodel and things are not efficient at all.  

BUT, as we wove ourselves back and forth through the line, I noticed a couple and he was wearing a shirt that identified him as working with CRU.  We support a couple with that ministry. 

"You're with CRU!" I said.  I think he was surprised to know I knew about CRU.  So we talked.  Each time they came around the bend and we'd meet up, we talked.  We found out that they live in the same town that our son does in Arkansas!  AND their son is in my grandson's class at his school!! They are friends! Such connections!

I have to say I am so very thankful for this trip we made with our granddaughters and son-in-law.  We saw how our brothers and sisters in Christ worship Him in another land.  We saw His hand at work to enlarge the body.  We saw believers reach out in compassion toward refugees.  My heart is full.  We have truly been blessed!

"Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.  Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song.  For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.  In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him."
Psalm 95:1-4

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