Thursday, June 22, 2023

Wisconsin for a celebration


We got to Wisconsin Friday afternoon.  

Claire showed us a 4-leaf clover she had found!

The afternoon was warm so she put on her swimsuit to play.  

Adam loves to make a fire - it is mesmerizing, isn't it?  Claire decided to burn some of her school work!  School is over!

When Sophia got off work, she enjoyed roasting marshmallows in the fire.

Adam told us that the seniors at school picked Jill to dedicate the year book to!  Yay, Jill!  So proud of her and how she is using the gifts the Lord has given her!

On Saturday, we went to church to get a start on decorating for Hannah's graduation party.  We would not have time to do it all after church on Sunday.

The family all had places to go and things to do.  I remember those days!  Allen and I rested with Kobi.

Sunday morning - Sophia was on cello for the worship team.

There was a pancake meal and business meeting after church, then we set up the "cafe" for the party!

Hannah wanted Nana's cookies (in my recipe book they are called Men's Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies) and also Scotcharoos.  Oh, my!  Those are delicious!!  

Wishing Hannah the very best!  The Lord will watch over you!!

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."  Psalm 32:8  Listen to His voice!

Allen and I manned the drink and food areas.

Adam's parents and Grandma came a little early to visit and congratulate Hannah.

Some of Hannah's art work through the years.

There was a play area for the children.

When the party was finished and decorations torn down, we went out to eat!
We were too pooped to cook a meal!

Hannah opened gifts at home.

Then we watched Sophia and Emeri's Vlog on Romania.  Oh how we laughed!!  These teens can capture the most hilarious and embarrasing videos/photos!

We woke up pretty early the next morning.  But not early enough for me.  I had a nightmare that thousands of spiders were invading my house!!  Agh!!

We did not sight-see on our way home as Al needed to get to work the next day.  And I wanted to double-check that there weren't spiders in my house!!    

We ran into storms when we got to Kansas.  Traffic really slowed down with people stopping under bridges.  

Home safely in 11 1/2 hours, despite some delays.

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