Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Kids come visit!

What a joy to have our daughter and her family come to our home for about a week!  Our children all live out of state and it is just such sweet joy when we can see them!

Kaia was so happy to see her Papa when he came home from work!

We celebrated Tenley's 2nd birthday since we were not able to go to Colorado for that special day.  Tenley helped me decorate her cake.

The "2" plastic candle holder lit into many colours when you push a button on the bottom.  (The extra candle was for my birthday which also was in June.)

We gave Tenley the Busy Book I sewed for her.

It is a book that both girls have enjoyed!

The next day, I took Tenley on a walk around the pond.

I pointed out the playground that they are building.
Maybe next time they come to Kansas, it will be ready for her to play on!

It's so cute to see Tenley wave at the geese.

Kaia's lunch time facial expressions

After lunch, Mindy and Jason took Tenley to the YMCA.  What fun she had!  I stayed home while Kaia took her nap.  

They stopped at Walmart to pick up a bike helmet.

Checking the corn field.  The recent rains have really helped them grow!

When Al got off work, he had Jason help him cut off a branch that was hanging loose.  Thank you, Jason!!

Helping Papa take the branch to the burn pile.

We grilled burgers for supper and ate out on the deck.  Hard to believe it has been so nice this July so far.  Heat is coming, but we were enjoying the high 70s and low 80s.  Unusual for Kansas in July!

"Grandchildren are the pride and joy of old age..."  
                                        Proverbs 17:6 ESV

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