Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Claire's play, "Newsies"

We came to Wisconsin because Claire asked us to come see her in the play she was going to be in.

Saturday morning, she was riding her bike up and down the street.  She would not be able to go to EAA with us as she needed to get to her play to get ready.

When we got home from EAA, we went to see Claire in the play of "Newsies".

It is based on a true story about newspaper delivery kids in New York city back in 1899.  
 "Extra, extra, read all about it!" 

The New York newsies, the boys and girls who sold newspapers on the street went up against 2 newspaper publishers, Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World and William Randolph Heart of the New York Journal.   These kids fought for better wages!  Pretty amazing really.  I found a picture of it!

You did a great job, Claire!!  Proud of you!  So grateful we could come and see you perform!

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