Saturday, August 12, 2023


We went to our daughter's place for a couple of days recently.  Saturday morning, before going to work, Hannah made us some breakfast!

This girl will be headed off to college next week!!
Leaving the nest.  How can this be?

In the picture where she is fixing us breakfast, perhaps you saw a tattoo on her arm.  She posted about it.

How sweet of her to say such kind words!  Have you ever watched cardboard testimonies?  If not, just search for it.  "Cardboard testimonies".  They are tear-jerking to say the least!    Here is one example:

If I were to do one, my testimony on one side would be written 
"Despair, Sadness"
Turning it over, it would be 

When I was a teen I was a mess; fell into real despair.  I did not want to move to America at that time.  Leaving my "home country", my friends.  What I knew.  I went through a lot of culture shock.  Even suicidal at that time.  You can see it in this picture I think.

 But I have found where to find JOY.

"You make known to me the path of life;
    In Your presence there is fullness of joy;
at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."  
                        Psalm 16:11

Spending time each morning with Jesus, reading the Bible, letting His Words speak love over me, directing me, comforting me, holding me up.  Bringing me peace.  and JOY.  He is the answer!  Some people think God is a killjoy.  They do not KNOW Him!!

Joy isn't found in other people, in having stuff, in adventure.  Those things might bring happiness, but true joy is found in Jesus!  He has rescued me from the evil one.  From despair.

What if I had listened to the enemy who wanted me to give up?  Just think what I would have missed! Not only the JOY I have in Christ, but the sweetness of having the family and friends God has given me!!  

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