Friday, October 6, 2023

Do we shine?

We were home for only 2 1/2 days before our next trip.  We didn't even bother to upack it all.  Just laundered our clothes.  We mowed the lawn.  Also watered my flowers.

Got a little freaked out by a snake who came to visit.

I looked it up.  I believe he is a Plains garter snake.  Not harmful.  But Al put some snake deterant around as we don't want him in the garage nor do we want a nest of baby snakes around!!  That happened to some friends of ours!!

Tuesday evening, I went to Legacy at our church, a program for the women.  Of course, friends are invited to come too!  We had a delicious meal and had a speaker.  Legacy meets quarterly and it is a rich time!

A friend who used to be in my young mom's Bible study before she moved away shared the heartaches and trials that she has been going through.  Many sorrows, but God is working even in that. Suffering is a part of our life here on earth.  

"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal which is taking place to test you [that is, to test the quality of your faith], as though something strange or unusual were happening to you.  But insofar as you are sharing Christ's sufferings, keep on rejoicing, so that when His glory [filled with His radiance and splendor] is revealed, you may rejoice with great joy."  Philippians 4:12-13

I would love to see what God does in the next 20 years!  Her story is not over.

We do not need to understand why affliction happens, to understand all God's ways of dealing with us.  We simply need to trust Him.  He knows best.  We find refuge in the shadow of His wings.-Psalm 36:9  To be in the shadow of someone, we need to be close by.  So, draw close to Him.  Let Him envelope you in His arms.  Let Him comfort you.  

The next morning was my young Mom's Bible study.  We are studying attitudes.  The topic was on complaining.  If GPS was used to find complainers, would it find me?

"Do all things without grumbling or complaining, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation among whom you shine as lights in the world."  Phil 2:14-15

Do I shine as a light in the darkness or does my grumbling attitude obscure the Light of Christ like clouds prevent one from seeing stars in the night sky?

I went to the nursing home to visit a friend.  She told her husband that she wants to go home.  "You aren't strong enough, dear."   I love how he loves her, helps feed her.  Such faithfulness.

I recall hearing a story of an elderly lady in the nursing home who was so lonely.  Her daughter told her to just imagine Jesus sitting in the recliner next to her.  He was with her.  The next day when the daughter arrived, she found her mother sitting on the floor with her head on the "lap of Jesus" weeping and telling Him all her sorrows.  

"When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your comfort delights my soul."  Psalm 94:19

I taught our young 3-5 year olds at Awana Cubbies in the evening.  I love those precious little ones!  Memorizing Bible verses is much easier at a younger age.  Those verses I learned in my earlier years stick with me.  When I try to learn verses now, they seem to slip out of my mind.  They don't stick!  I still try though!

I am teaching them this song I learned when I was in grade school from Psalm 119:11:
    Oh, Your Word have I hid in my heart,
    that I might not sin against You,
    that I might not sin, that I might not sin,
    Your Word have I hid in my heart.

Of course in those days I learned it using the words "Thy" and "Thee".

Thursday morning was our older women's Bible study.  These ladies love to put out quite the spread!

Paul often begins his letters with "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."  I found out that in the culture of that time, "grace" was usually a greeting used to Gentiles.  It meant "Joy, pleasure, beauty and brightness."  "Peace", however, was used when addressing the Jewish people.  It meant "complete and total well-being."  Paul's audience was made up of both Jews and Gentiles so how appropriate for that greeting.

I left study early and as soon as Al got off work, we packed up our bags and headed out for Colorado!

We had seen that storms were expected along I-70.  Possible hail, tornadoes.  However, they stayed to the north.  Thank you for praying, Bible study friends!

They DO need rain in western Kansas and eastern Colorado though.  Rivers and ponds are dry.  We don't want storms, but rain would be wonderful!!

When clouds are darkest, it means rain is inevitable.  Father, drench me with Your love when times are darkest.  Refresh me, like the sweet smell of the air after a passing storm.  Rain on us Jesus!

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