Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Seeing "Queen Esther"

 I have wanted to go see "Queen Esther" at Sight and Sound for some time.  The opportunity came last weekend!  My women's Bible study had done the book of Esther last spring so I really wanted to go!

It was only going to be a 3 day trip and guess what?  We had to pack for 3 different seasons!!  High 70's to a winter blast before the weekend was out.

Fall colours

I would love to have an old stone shed on my property!  I wonder if it used to be a house at one time when someone settled here many years ago?

We assumed Maps would take us to Springfield and then south.  But it had us turn at Mt. Vernon.  We decided to go for it!  We do like a new road!

Where are you taking us?

Would we go up the hill??   No, we went around the bend.

A round barn!

There were sooooo many curves!  And up and down hills.  Luckily I don't get car sick, at least not often.  But I was gripping the handle of the car!  Al was zipping around them!  (He loves that!) I felt like we were on a roller coaster at times!  No need to go to Silver Dollar City!!  I was not unhappy to have slow cars in front of us finally.  And a no-passing zone at that!

I must say it was scenic!

We finally made it into Branson, Missouri.

We got there about an hour before we needed to go to Sight and Sound.  We ate some dinner that I had packed at our hotel.  We were within a stone's throw from the theatre.  We could have even walked there faster than it took to drive and wait in line to park!

We decided to come here sort of last minute so didn't have the choice of seating that we would have liked.  It was up front, which has its good points but since there are things to watch on the sides, it was hard to do that.

At intermission, we found some seats in the middle section further back.  Some people had not shown up or something.   We were not allowed to take pictures during the show, but here are some I found on-line.  

As usual in their shows, there were live animals on stage.  A soldier on a real horse pranced past us in the aisle.  A donkey did his business on stage and a worker dressed as a townswoman came to sweep it up like it was just part of the show!

The costumes were exquisite!!  

It reminded me of Isaiah 61:10 which is an incredible thought!  Underserved!
"I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall exult in my God, for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation; He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels."

It was a fabulous show!!  Riveting!  Made me teary eyed, especially with the connection with what is going on in Israel at this time.  There are people wanting to annihilate the Jewish people now too!  God is on the throne.  He has a plan for His people.

It isn't too late to go see this show!  It will be playing through December 30!

They are readying for Christmas!  The first Christmas tree I've seen except at Hobby Lobby!

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