Thursday, November 16, 2023

Retreat in Oklahoma

Last weekend the women from our church had a fall retreat in the canyons of Oklahoma.  We had planned to go there a couple of years ago, but icy weather conditions kept that from happening.  The Lord provided a place in Wichita for us that time.

This time the weather was PERFECT!

There were 3 vans and a pickup that left from church.  Other vehicles had left on their own and some went early to set up.  During the drive, we had a couple of ice-breaker questions:
"If you had a million dollars given to you, what would you spend it on."
In the olden days, I would have said "a house on the beach", but a million wouldn't begin to touch that these days.
"What's your favorite local restaurant (include Wichita)"
I got some ideas for new places I had not heard of before!

At Edmond, we stopped to eat.  Some went to Qdoba, others to Panda Express or elsewhere.

We arrived at the camp after dark.  We knew we had driven down into a canyon but we couldn't see the beauty.  

There was a session that evening after we settled in.  This was our theme song led by Carmen.

Della introduced our topic "Made to Worship" based on Linda Dillow's book "Satisfy My Thirsty Soul".  
"Discover what it means to be drawn into God's holy and life-giving presence."

"I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert,
                to give drink to My chosen people, 
        the people whom I formed for Myself
                             that they might declare My praise."
                                                       Isaiah 43:20b-21

We were made to worship Him.  What is the "one thing" that you have to have?  Is it comfort? What is it that keeps us from worship?  

One thing have I asked of the Lord,
    that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
    all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
    and to inquire in His temple.
                    Psalm 27:4

I was sooooo tired!  I skedaddled off to bed after the session.  My 2 roomies came later after they played games.  Our rooms were comfortable and each room had its own bathroom.  I envisioned I might have to make trips outside during the night so I was very glad to have a bathroom.  That's the "One Thing" I need!  Ha!

I am borrowing several photos from other people in this post.  Thank you to other photographers!

The next morning, we got a look at our campgrounds.  So pretty!  Oklahoma red dirt included.

We had about a 5-10 minute walk (depending how fast you walk) to the lunchroom.

This is where we ate our meals.

Jessica and Julie were part of the planning crew.

Each session started with games led by Lisa and Emily.  In one game called Song Scramble, we were given a slip of paper.  My paper read:

"I am a CH"

It is part of a song.  I was to hum my tune and go around the room and find others who were humming the same tune.  In my song, another person would have had "I am a C" or "And I have C-H-R-I-S-T in my H-E-A-R-T" etc.  Other songs were Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Loves the Little Children, Zaccheaus, How Great Thou Art, Father Abraham.  It was hilarious to hear all the humming going on!  You had to get real close to others to see if they were humming your tune, and some people (me included) can't carry a tune, so there's that.

Another opener we had was where we divided into groups of those who were the oldest child in a family, those who were the youngest, those in between and also the only child.  Sherry was the only only!!  You had to come up with the pros and cons of being born in that birth order and share with everyone.

Della led the first session Saturday morning.  Here a few nuggets I got:
What keeps us from worship?  Some said children.  Or never ending tasks.  Also the ever present phone.  
We experience external clamour and internal chatter.   How true.
We need to surrender our time to Him.  Prioritize time with God - drink deeply!  At my stage in life, I am able to spend good time in the morning.  But when I had little ones, we all took a rest time after lunch.  They took naps or read books while I had my devotion time.
Create boundaries.  Easy to over-commit.  Let the Holy Spirit put a STOP to your day.  
Put aside your phone.
Pray for those sitting in the doctor's office, or those in the car beside you as you wait on a train.

"Restfulness or stillness is an on-going surrender to God.  Holding life with an open hand, letting Him take or give as He desires.  It's a bowing of our whole life to Him."  - Rachel Loewen (her daughter-in-law)

Let Him order your day.  What He gives each day.  

After lunch, we had free time for rest, relaxation, visiting, games, hiking.

A cross at the top of the trail.

Here's a picture of it when it is lit up at night.

We had to be careful because cacti were growing beside the pathway and sometimes would grab at you!

You'll have to ask Jessica about this photo.  A God moment.

Another group was having a tent meeting.

After dinner, Amanda had a session.  

Those black spots in our lives can be turned into worship.  Add black lines to those dots and make a song from it.  Can you guess what the song is?

Wrestling ends in embrace.
Not my ways but Yours Lord.
What do we do when all things fall apart?  Be strong and see the goodness of the LORD!
She shared a story of God's faithfulness and goodness.  Made me cry.

After the session, we went outdoors to the camp fire to make s'mores!  And SING!

On Sunday morning, after breakfast, Jillian Hart spoke.  It was entitled Walking in Worship. Bowing my work, my life and my will.

How do I define success?  
What would it take to surrender 100% of your life to the Lord?  Or do you hold back 2%, or 10%?  Uncurl those fingers!!  He deserves all of us!
Am I more like a teen-ager:  self-centered, independent, resistant OR
more like the trusting one:  God-centered, dependent, submissive.
He deserves our praise in the good and in the bad.
Bow down again and again.
Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son because he trusted God.
What am I willing to sacrifice?  Do I trust Him?

Whatever you do,
do your work heartily,
as for the LORD
and not for people,
knowing that it is 
from the LORD that you
will receive the reward of
the inheritance.
It is the
whom you serve.
Colossians 3:23-24

Discussion time.

Thank you all for serving and sharing what God laid on your hearts!

Group photo

Here is what Amy wrote about this weekend, which sums it up just right!:

  Been without phone service this whole weekend as we were "tucked away" in a BEAUTIFUL canyon at a camp in Hinton, OK, with 45 other sisters in Christ.....all different ages ranging  in ages 12 yrs  through 83!!🌄 The fellowship was beautiful, sweet, & refreshing....Thank you, Jesus!! The weekend theme was "Made to Worship!!" & that we did!!!!🌞

Coming HOME this afternoon with a FULL & THANKFUL heart, as well as 25 messages in my inbox!!🤪

PRAISE JESUS for our WONDERFUL Lord who is truly worthy of all our PRAISE!!❤️‍🩹

Loading up!

Those in our van.  Marcia did a GREAT job driving!!

What a beautiful and refreshing time we all had!

Had to finish with this beautiful photo from Courtney!

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