Tuesday, February 6, 2024

January Mélange

mé·lange - a medley

January was a "medley" of happenings.  Here we are a week into February already so I need to update on last month!  

It feels and even smells very much like Spring this week.  Even the birds think so.  I'm sure that could change.  Most assuredly it will!  There ARE still 42 days until Spring!  January had lots of snow. 

"[God] spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes."                Psalm 147:16  

It was soooo cold!  In the negatives!  Al called me from work one day as his pickup wouldn't start and he needed it jumped.  He ended up getting a new battery.

We went 3 weeks where we couldn't wash the car.  After the snows, we had rain.  I have never gone so long with a dirty vehicle!  I was almost ashamed to drive it around!

The day finally came where we could wash our car and we proudly put on the bumper sticker that was in my Christmas stocking!  

The Packers played the Cowboys and since we couldn't pick it up on our tv, our friends, Dave and Marilyn invited us over to watch it.  They are die-hard Dallas Cowboy fans and well, sorry, guys, their team was beat.

Unfortunately, the Packers then lost to the 49ers.  We will have a Superbowl party on Sunday and we'll root for the Chiefs since the Packers are no longer in contention.  I think this is such a cute picture of an Andy Reid look-a-like!

One Sunday afternoon, the Kaufman Museum hosted Gregg Friesen who spoke on "The Western Meadowlark: The State Bird, but not the Only Exceptional Bird in Kansas."  It was delightful!

I love taking pictures of birds!

I received this book for Christmas and I've been enjoying doing some watercoloring of birds too!

My friends and I get together to practice painting occasionally.

The Carriage Factory art gallery had a showing I went to.

One of Allen's pharmacists, Susan Fox, has a spot at the gallery, of her paintings!

My friend, Chiyoko-san, happened to be the judge for this evening!

I LOVED this photograph on canvas!!

Our church has a quarterly women's gathering and this January, our speaker was Dr. Allison McFarland, who spoke to us about Generation Z.  I have 5 grandchildren in that category.  And 2 in the Alpha generation.

I teach the Alpha generation at our church through our Awana Cubbies program. It is a highlight of my week!

One thing we do is pass out little Bibles to each one and they search for the highlighted verse - Psalm 119:11. They get so excited "I found it!!"
We sing the song "Oh, Your Word have I hid in my heart...."
I ask them each week "What do we do with our Bibles?" "We read it!" they exclaim. That's right. We don't leave them on the shelves to gather dust.
I tell them that it is one way we can hear what God has to say to us. His very Words are in it! Do we listen to Him? One evening I was mentioning how important it is to read it each day and that I hoped their parents read them Bible stories. Maybe at bedtime or in the morning. Some of the children said they did. My heart dropped when one child said "My parents are too busy." Oh parents, never be too busy for your children. It is important to be "...praising Your greatness from generation to generation." Psalm 79:13
I know how busy life can be! Some days are crazy! Take a deep breath. Slow down. Put your child on your lap. Take time to laugh with them, enjoy them but most importantly, share Christ's love with them.
"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7
"I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread." Job 23:12

Speaking of children, I have to show these funny pictures!  Peeks, Kaia!

It was too quiet and this is what Mindy found when she investigated!

My funny Tenley!

Proud of Claire who went so far in the spelling bee, outspelling older kids!!

Notice her shirt?  She is wearing her shirt from Kansas!  Proudly worn on Kansas Day, January 29.  Although raised mostly in Wisconsin, she was born here!

What will February bring?

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