Friday, March 15, 2024

God's care; change of plans in the week

On Wednesday when I got home from Wisconsin, I put away my winter decorations and got out my spring/Easter decorations.  

I had a long overdue hair appointment and also taught my Awana Cubbie 4 and 5 year olds at church.

On Thursday we had a Leap Year party at Bible study, instead of our study in Hebrews "Better" by Jen Wilkin.

There was a little change in plans as Courtney, our pastor's wife, was going to give a devotional, and instead, she got sick, so her husband shared last minute!

On Friday, we watched an online class that our son gave at their church.

On Saturday, a friend and I went to the Dyck Arboretum in Hesston to go on a bird walk and take a class "Murmurations & Exaltations: Birds & Birding in a Changing World".

That afternoon, we heard that our Amigo Team from our church that had been in Mexico had been involved in an accident on their way home.

Miraculously, no one was killed as the 4 vans crashed.  This is what one of the women on the team wrote about their experience (shared with permission).  My heart was so touched by what she said! It made me cry and also just praise the Lord!:

We Are A Walking Miracle!
We have appreciated all the text messages and encouragement and prayers. Since I can't talk right now, I've been writing. I hope this helps answer the many questions that have come our way.
Our family went to Reynosa, Mexico, last week on a mission trip with our church. These days our family at home consists of Matt, me, and our two teenage daughters. We had a fantastic time in Mexico. We served with a team of 35 people (15 adults, 11 teens, and 9 kids) at Children's Haven International. Currently they have 6 couples caring for 87 children, ages 4-18. We had great team unity and fun times with the kids, several decisions were made for Christ, and we got a lot of work done on their new multi-purpose building. We did face some spiritual battles in Mexico, but we felt overall that God was at work. The border crossings can be tense, but these went very smoothly.
While driving home Saturday, we were involved in a very serious accident on I35 south of Fort Worth, Texas. Remarkably, only our 4 vans were in the accident. Three of the vans were totaled. From our group of 35, 19 of us were treated at ER for minor injuries. It is truly a miracle that we are ALL alive. It is a miracle that we walked away from this accident.
Amigo 1 was a rental van. Amigo 2 was the Ruggles family van. Amigo 3 was the brand new church van. Amigo 4 was the old church van. Our family was in Amigo 3 (the new church van) with the Penner family of 6. For some reason, two vehicles ahead had slowed down considerably. Drivers were slamming the brakes, and I heard Matt (who was in the front passenger seat) say, "You got it! You got it!" Then everything went crazy. We were rear-ended by Amigo 4 on the right side of our van. (I think he was trying to avoid us.) We hit Amigo 2 in front of us, which sent them in a 180 degree spin. Amigo 2 slammed into our right side while in that spin, which pushed us into the median barrier. Then we flipped onto our right side. Amigo 4 hit Amigo 2 as it was slowing down, but it was not a bad hit. Amigo 1 only got bumped by Amigo 2. No one in Amigo 1 was injured.
All that happened faster than it took you to read about it. When it finally came to an end, all 10 of us were hanging sideways from our seatbelts. With as many hits as we took, I thought my girls were gone. When each voice said, "I'm here, I'm okay," my heart was flooded with relief and thankfulness. We ALL survived! We were all conscious and we did not have any broken bones. As we have talked about the accident and looked at pictures of the wreckage, I am convinced that GOD HIMSELF was in that van with us. The airbags that stretched across both sides of the van helped too. When we finally landed, they were the only thing separating Rachael and me from the asphalt. But it was God who saved us.
Almost instantly two big men were on top of the van, which was the left side, and helped pull us out. Later one of the men from our team told us that a truck pulling a trailer on the southbound side immediately pulled over, and they jumped over the median barrier. Matt had a serious cut on his forehead and blood was running down his face, but his adrenaline kicked in. Remember, we were all hanging sideways and it wasn't very comfortable. He helped unbuckle and catch each of us. Other men, bystanders, went to the back of the van, pulled out luggage and the 3 girls in the back row, including Rachael and Elisse. Those big men up on top lifted me out, and when I walked to the back of the van, my girls were already there, sitting on the highway in shock and in pain. I tried to hug them but it was painful for all of us. I just told them over and over, "God took care of us. We're all alive. We'll be okay. He'll take care of us."
Matt was the last one out. Then he went about helping wherever he could, blood still running down his face. He acted surprised when Tina, the PA on our team, told him he would need stitches. He was focused on making sure his family and our team were okay.
Shock is a weird thing. You think you know what's going on, but your world is suddenly very small. My memories of that time are just snatches of this and snatches of that. When I first got out of the van, I noticed there were 3 vehicles parked like stair steps in the 3 lanes of traffic. Later a very long fire truck had taken their place. I heard people say, "It's only our 4 vans. Everyone is alive! Only minor injuries." Again, I was flooded with relief and thankfulness. God protected us. (More on this later.) Many on our team helped wherever they could. My friend Kimberly always showed up whenever I needed her. I am certain God directed their steps.
The first responders were excellent. They worked hard to get our information and to provide compassionate care. They intentionally sent our family to neighboring hospitals. Later I was told those were the best hospitals in the Fort Worth area. I would agree. All four of us received excellent care.
Everyone in our van but the driver, Michael Penner, were treated at ER. He really held our families up those few hours after the accident. Rachael and Elisse were transported to Cook Children's Hospital. Matt and I were transported to Harris-Fort Worth. We were two blocks from our girls. My sister lives one and a half hours from these hospitals and drove down to be with us. Matt received seven stitches on his forehead. My right elbow was swollen rather grotesquely. I could move my arm and make a fist, but I was x-rayed and have no fractures. Now the swelling has evened out nicely and the bruising is quite awesome. I'm still very tender.
In situations like this, various medical personnel ask you the same questions over and over. At one point someone asked me my marital status. In my state of shock, I thought they were asking about my miracle status. Yep! We're all alive!
After Matt and I were discharged, we walked the 2 blocks to Cook's to be with our girls. Both also received x-rays and neither had any fractures. Rachael's lower back is still very sore, and Elisse's shoulder and chest are sore. My sister was with them, and the Penner kids were next door. Michael Penner checked on our girls often. Knowing this gave us great peace while we were being treated.
What about the people who were not injured? What did they do? That's a great question! God took care of them too. One of the officers working our accident attended a church up the road. He contacted them and they opened their doors to our group. As the men moved our stuff in the one working van, the moms and kids walked across the road with their pillows and other things. They said it was a sweet little scene.
One by one we were all discharged. Around 11 pm our group finally made our way to a nearby motel. The staff there were very kind and accommodating to our needs. As I crawled into bed, God brought to mind something I had prayed 15 years ago after I fell and shattered my knee. The recovery was long and painful, and I asked God, "Please don't make me go through this again." Before I fell asleep, I thanked God for protecting us from broken bones.
In the early morning hours, I woke up in a mild panic. First I felt trapped in the bed, then I had flashbacks of the accident happening and felt trapped in the van. In that moment, God gave me an image. Remember when I said I saw 3 vehicles lined up like stair steps in the 3 lanes of traffic? God gave me an image of 3 huge warrior angels holding back the heavy Texas traffic. His Spirit spoke to my spirit, “I have allowed this much and no more.”
Sunday morning Matt and several other men went to the wreckage to retrieve Elisse's backpack and several other things. They took a few pictures of our van. After looking at those images, I am convinced that God Himself was in that van with us. He intervened on our behalf.
But he was PIERCED for our transgressions,
he was CRUSHED for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us PEACE was on him,
and by HIS wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5
I know that Isaiah is referring to Christ's death on the cross for our salvation. Even so, I believe Jesus was there in that van between me and that door. He was crushed for me. He answered my little prayer from 15 years ago in a mighty and powerful way.
While the men were inspecting the wreckage and finding various treasures, the younger kids splashed and played in the pool. The four teenage girls in the Friesen/Penner van were still very sore and very much in shock. So were the two moms. I sat and watched the fun while sipping coffee and eating scrambled eggs with my dear friend Amanda who fractured her spine. It was the best motel breakfast I had ever eaten. Rachael soaked in the water, and Elisse hung out with friends. By God's grace, Amanda is walking and wearing a brace. Her daughter Katy has a broken nose. The only person on our team who isn't walking is a sweet 9-year-old girl. She fractured her tibia in the accident. Their family is from Winfield and we were blessed to have them on our team.
Our church chartered a bus to bring us home on Sunday. Not only was it a sweet ride, we all felt very safe and loved. Our driver was a black minister, and he said to us before we left Texas, “You have the right driver. I know you all have been through a lot. God will have the victory. To God be the glory!” Our family arrived home around 10 pm Sunday night. My mother greeted me when I stepped off the bus. Her joy and relief at our safe arrival was evident.
The "could have beens" hit hard on Monday. Yet God has given me great peace about the accident. He answered prayers. He allowed the accident yet he protected us. He worked in us and through us at the children's home. He did great things there. God has the ultimate victory!
Our first two or three days at home I was still in shock, only able to think about what I need to do right now. Tuesday our PT friend did a concussion protocol on me. I don't know what she did because I snored through most of it. She said it helps to reset the brain stem and release the trauma, and I believe her. That is why I'm able to think clearly enough to compose this email.
My glasses were demolished in the accident, so Monday morning my Dad drove me to the eye doctor and I ordered new ones. I told God I couldn't make decisions. The first pair I tried on felt really good on my face. I hope I like them. After that I saw my doctor for an upper respiratory infection that I've been dealing with for a few days. I also lost my voice right after the accident. I got meds for the infection and a script saying that I need to rest my vocal chords. I am not to speak for two weeks. It's hard to write everything in a notebook, yet a relief, because my throat is so sore. Airbag dust, maybe? I've heard it's a real thing.
Tuesday the girls and I went to the chiropractor. He helped loosen up the tight places and put back in place the crooked things. Something like that anyway. It helped to relieve some of our tension.
I also took the girls to our pediatrician to have them evaluated for concussions. Elisse has complained of a headache and nausea ever since the accident. They were sitting on either side of the van, so they got banged up pretty good. Rachael’s concussion is mild, but Elisse's concussion is more severe. I’m so thankful God protected them. Both need time to rest and recover.
Matt has been at work and appointments have filled my days. We’ve had little time to rest. Matt is hanging in there, determined to push through. He will receive the concussion protocol Friday afternoon, and I hope we can rest this weekend.
Writing this has been very therapeutic for me. Putting it down on paper helps me process what happened and remember the good things God has done for us. I hope you are encouraged in your faith as you read it.
We appreciate your prayers for rest and continued healing. Though heaven is our real home and we don’t fear death, we praise God that we are still alive and still able to love and serve him on this earth. To God be the glory!
Heather Friesen
March 8, 2024
All reaction

Oh my.  That brought tears and also praise to the Lord for His protection!

On Sunday after church, Allen drove me to the airport.  Mindy had asked if I could come back to Colorado to help out.  Since it would be just a short time, I was flying.

Only, I didn't fly.  The flight ended up being delayed, then delayed again until that night (mechanical - of course, you want a mechanical problem to be found on the ground, not mid air!).  And then it was cancelled.  A friend from church was taking the same flight and she said "I'm going to rent a car and drive to Denver.  Wanna come?"  What a change in plans!

Drove right past our home as we headed for I-70!

Charla and I shared our stories of how we came to know and follow Jesus.  She has an amazing story, y'all!  It was worth a cancelled flight to hear it!

We arrived in Denver late that night.  Good driving, Charla!  Thank you!!!

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways" says the LORD."  Isaiah 55:8

"The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps."  Prov. 16:9

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