Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Down to Arkansas

On Saturday, we left in the morning for Arkansas.  We were headed there to see the eclipse on Monday, but also to see our son and his family.  We met them in Springdale to watch their school musical theatre.  It was incredible!

We had dinner at PFChang before driving to the kid's house.  The sun was setting.

Eli showed Papa the motor bike and go cart that he built.  He is incredibly talented!

Papa took a spin.

Sunday morning we went to church.  Josh was busy working.

Staci is a patient at Spero Clinic and she has met some new friends from around the globe there.  She invited this family from Britain for lunch after church.  The mom came to the States having been bedfast and in a wheelchair for 14 years.  She is now able to walk!

Later that afternoon, while I napped, Papa and Josh were figuring out plane tickets, hotel for their trip to the Grand Canyon with ICR (Institute for Creation Research) in the fall.

We took a walk.

The dogwoods were blooming.  So pretty!

My mother's favorite - she gave me this bookmark that explains the legend of the dogwood.

The guys had more fun with the go cart and electric bike.

We like to check our earthquake app each day to see what's going on.  There was an earthquake close to my town in Japan that day.  Luckily no injuries or damage reported.

 Looking forward to seeing the eclipse the next day!

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