Friday, April 12, 2024

In the woods of Arkansas

After the eclipse was finished, we were encouraged to go on a hike into the woods nearby.  There are 600 acres here with the camp!   The owner told us he would take us in his 4 wheeler.

That suited us!

We went down a steep incline - I don't know that Lisa and I could have hiked this without falling!

This is the Thomas Creek.  Below is where the spring is that is the beginning of this creek.

"The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."  Isaiah 58:11

The color of this water... evidently from minerals and shale.

The owner, whose name was Josh, asked us if we knew what this stone in the picture below was for.  We made several guesses.

Back in the "old days" it was the anchor rock for the pulley system to drag trees down from the top.

Wild flowers

"Consider how the wild flowers grow.  They do not labour or spin.  Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these."  Luke 12:27

We came across some horse riders and chatted with them for awhile.  They were headed to the Ozark National Forest that borders this private property.

We finished driving around and went back to the camp.

We asked if we could see the cabin they are building.  They were not able to save the original civil war era cabin, but they were able to save the 3 fireplace stones to rebuild the fireplace.  They copied the original footprint of the cabin also but were putting in a modern kitchen and bathrooms for the cookstaff that would be working over days when they had camp.

He told us how God opened up this place for them and their hopes/plans for use of this camp for inner city kids.  To give them "dad" role models and introduce them to the Heavenly Father.

We said our good-byes to Josh, Emeri, Eli and Lisa.  Headed back home!

Maps showed a busy highway due to people returning home after the eclipse.  Josh's decided to return the way we came to avoid it.  We would need to go as far as 412 with the traffic jam, but would avoid it going further north on 21.

The cattle were wondering about all the cars on their normally silent road.

Good to leave the busy roadway.

Such a pretty drive.  Ozark country.

It was after sunset when we arrived in Kansas.  We could smell smoke in the air.  They were burning the Flint Hills (a controlled burn for those of you who read my post and don't know about that).

The reason for burning this grassland annually is to reduce undesirable trees and shrubs and so that nutritionally rich grass will grow for the cattle to graze.  They have to wait for good conditions - no wind.  An out-of-control fire is devastating!

Here is a video of one of the times we went to the Flint Hills.  We love going there!

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