Saturday, May 11, 2024

Spring flowers

 "See! The winter is past;
        the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
     the season of singing has come,
            the cooing of doves
                is heard in the land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit;
        the blossoming vines spread their fragrance."
                             Song of Solomon 2:11-13a

Spring means flowers in Kansas!  I had these geraniums in my planter on the front porch over-wintered in the window well in the basement.  I have a plastic lid over the window well so it becomes a "greenhouse".   (When the temperatures got into single digits, I brought them in and put them in the shower.)  

My daylillies have not begun to flower yet.

I enjoy putting flowers on my back deck.  We had hail this past week and I had to put them under the eaves to protect them.

These will hopefully fill out more as they grow.

In my backyard, I planted some dahlias - they were my mother's favorite flower!  She loved this colour! 

There were lots of weeds in my flower beds.  I was waiting for the baby robins to grow and fly so I wouldn't disturb them in their nest while weeding.  See my last post  to see what happened.

The very last snowball.  This bush was FULL!
Why didn't I get a photo?

The Awana director at church gave us some posies as a thanks for serving this year!  How sweet!

I found a place for those too.

I'll have to pray for the little Cubbies as I water these!

One of my neighbors had poppies!   I would love to plant those!

My daughter-in-law, Staci (far right in the picture below) has a dear friend, Carrie, who recently painted this floral painting that she named "A Hopeful Waiting".  Sort of looks like some are poppies. It was a year ago now that Staci had serious health complications that put her in the hospital.  She had to learn how to re-walk and still has many struggles that neurologists have no idea how to help.  They don't really know what is going on. She is now in a clinic that works with brain inflammation and she is recovering slowly.  A huge answer to prayer, yet Spero Clinic is outside insurance so is very costly.  

Carrie has made prints, cards and posters of this print to support Staci's medical costs!  All proceeds for "A Hopeful Waiting" go directly to her medical fund.  Thank you so much Carrie!  If you would like to help, you can contact Carrie with Sparrow Lettering at

"The road is too rough," I said;
    "It is uphill all the way;
No flowers, but thorns instead;
    And the skies overhead are gray."
But One took my hand at the entrance dim,
    And sweet is the road that I walk with Him.

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