Friday, April 12, 2024

In the woods of Arkansas

After the eclipse was finished, we were encouraged to go on a hike into the woods nearby.  There are 600 acres here with the camp!   The owner told us he would take us in his 4 wheeler.

That suited us!

We went down a steep incline - I don't know that Lisa and I could have hiked this without falling!

This is the Thomas Creek.  Below is where the spring is that is the beginning of this creek.

"The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."  Isaiah 58:11

The color of this water... evidently from minerals and shale.

The owner, whose name was Josh, asked us if we knew what this stone in the picture below was for.  We made several guesses.

Back in the "old days" it was the anchor rock for the pulley system to drag trees down from the top.

Wild flowers

"Consider how the wild flowers grow.  They do not labour or spin.  Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these."  Luke 12:27

We came across some horse riders and chatted with them for awhile.  They were headed to the Ozark National Forest that borders this private property.

We finished driving around and went back to the camp.

We asked if we could see the cabin they are building.  They were not able to save the original civil war era cabin, but they were able to save the 3 fireplace stones to rebuild the fireplace.  They copied the original footprint of the cabin also but were putting in a modern kitchen and bathrooms for the cookstaff that would be working over days when they had camp.

He told us how God opened up this place for them and their hopes/plans for use of this camp for inner city kids.  To give them "dad" role models and introduce them to the Heavenly Father.

We said our good-byes to Josh, Emeri, Eli and Lisa.  Headed back home!

Maps showed a busy highway due to people returning home after the eclipse.  Josh's decided to return the way we came to avoid it.  We would need to go as far as 412 with the traffic jam, but would avoid it going further north on 21.

The cattle were wondering about all the cars on their normally silent road.

Good to leave the busy roadway.

Such a pretty drive.  Ozark country.

It was after sunset when we arrived in Kansas.  We could smell smoke in the air.  They were burning the Flint Hills (a controlled burn for those of you who read my post and don't know about that).

The reason for burning this grassland annually is to reduce undesirable trees and shrubs and so that nutritionally rich grass will grow for the cattle to graze.  They have to wait for good conditions - no wind.  An out-of-control fire is devastating!

Here is a video of one of the times we went to the Flint Hills.  We love going there!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

The eclipse in Arkansas

Back in August 2017 we were able to catch the eclipse in New Franklin, Missouri.  We had been on the way home from Wisconsin.  At that time, we knew the next eclipse would be in 2024 and we talked then that we would go to Arkansas to watch it with our son and his family!   

I blogged about it.  It didn't get totally dark that time, even though we were in the area of totality.   It did this year!

Well, 2024 is here and it was time for the eclipse!!  So, this past week we did indeed go to Arkansas to see it with Josh and the family. 

Staci was not able to go as she had treatment at Spero Clinic.  Kind of cool that they use the emblem of a eclipse in their logo.  See her tee?  For those wondering, she is seeing improvement from her brain injury!

We dropped Reggie off at doggie day care.

And went to top off our vehicles.

Josh forgot his driver's license at home, so while Emeri and Papa went to Walmart to get some lunch fixings, we went back to the house to find it.  

We met back up and took off for the camp.  Josh has a friend from his church that has been developing a camp for inner city boys and that spot was in the area of totality.

We saw this cross in the sky, but later realized it looked like the backward picture of the last 3 eclipses!

Josh had seen on Maps that there was construction or heavy traffic on 412 so we went on a southern route eastward Highway 16 to 74 - Elkins, Huntsville, Kingston.

There were not many places for bathroom breaks on this trip.

Then 21 south;  it was very steep and curvy.  See the signs!

Beautiful scenery!

We began to see other people already sitting out waiting for the eclipse.

On to a gravel road 24. 

Then on a really bumpy path.  Good thing we brought our pickup!
Bumpety bump bump!

Camp Jabali

We set up our spot to eat lunch and wait for the eclipse.

First time applying sun screen this season.

Allen was able to share with some other people about the precision of God's creation of the sun and moon.  The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun.  But it is also 400 times closer to the earth than the sun.  Thus, the perspective from earth is that they are exactly the same size - allowing for a perfect fit for a solar eclipse!  If there was any variation in size or distance, this wouldn't work.  I found this on Facebook.

It is pretty incredible that God has ordained the timing of the stars and planets in a way that we know what the sky will be like on any day in the future or in the past!  I loved the video on The Star of Bethlehem  that points that out so directly!

He also mentioned that the moon revolves around the earth, taking 27.3 days for one complete revolution.  The moon rotates on its own axis, like the earth.  It takes the moon 27.3 days for one complete rotation.  This is called synchronous rotation.  And its axis is exactly perpendicular to the earth!  All of this results in us seeing the exact same side of the moon at all times.  We have never seen the dark side of the moon from the earth.  The placement and timing of the moon's movements is perfect for this to happen.  Created order designed by the unfathomable wisdom of our Creator!

Josh showed how a the vertical shadow lines of the book were fuzzy, while the horizontal lines remained sharp.


We watched the moon take a bite of the sun, bit by bit, like a cookie!

This will be the cookhouse for camp.  Previously, it was the location of a civil war era cabin.  It was not able to be preserved.  

This is Lisa, Staci's mom.  Her dad was busy working on taxes for clients and couldn't come.

Eli and a friend played games while waiting.

Getting darker!  The crickets began chirping.

We could see Venus and Jupiter in the sky!

As the moon covered the sun, everyone clapped and cheered!  Darkness!  It was worshipful!  Celestial wonder!  God's handiwork on display!  

"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands."
Psalm 19:1

As it got lighter, the birds began to sing, like it was morning!
There was a large fish cloud design. 

"The whole earth is filled with awe at Your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, You call forth songs of joy."  Psalm 65:8

"Ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you...Which of these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?"  Job 12:7-8