Monday, November 2, 2015

Roadtrip: Birthdays

We took a roadtrip to celebrate the birthdays of our Arkansas grandchildren.  

Al had to work the weekend (hospital workers have to do that) but I hitched a ride with Jill and the family.  We left pretty early in the morning.

On the way to their place, I had to pull over to take a picture of the sky on fire!

The drive to their place is 5 1/2 hours.  The children really travelled quite well!
 The kids were excited to get there to play with cousins!

Claire was just a little nervous to be outside with Joby.

The trees in Arkansas were pretty incredible!

I LOVE fall!!

Josh fixed us a delicious chili supper!

Birthday celebration -
the kids had already had a cake earlier with their other grandpictures and with Trick or Treating happening, the parents thought it would be just too much sugar!  
So we just had the kids hold their candles.

 Jill sews these number t-shirts for birthdays.  

Happy birthday Emeri and Elijah!

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