Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Roadtrip, day 2: Boo!

 On Halloween day, I read this cute little story to the grandchildren called the Pumpkin Gospel.

It talks about how the slime inside the pumpkin reminds us of our insides before God makes us new.

We scoop out the mushy gushies and it reminds us that He cleans out our sins.
God's love is like the candle that shines from the inside out.
                                       "You are the light of the world!"  Matt. 5:14

We colored and pasted pumpkin faces

and then worked on making a real jack-o-lantern!

The first pumpkin that Hannah carved.  I cut out the first triangle to show her how, and she did the rest!
 I washed the slime off the pumpkin seeds and put them in the oven.

Jill asked Josh to take some family photos so we went outside to do that.  When we got done, I could smell burnt pumpkin seeds!  I had forgotten all about them!  They were ruined.  So sad.  I love roasted pumpkin seeds!

As soon as supper was over, the children were ready to dress up for Trick or Treating!

Claire found this mask in Emeri's room and 
on her own initiative wanted to wear it.

Off we went.

Trick or Treat!

 It was a fun neighborhood to walk around and the kids were all excited to eat their stash!  Their parents allowed 2 candies that night.  (and I think the grownups had a few too!)

"Act like people of the light and make your light shine."  Ephesians 5:8,9

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