Friday, June 21, 2019

Getting to Wisconsin!

We headed northeast out of Quincy toward Monmouth, Illinois.  I saw this weather vane atop a barn.  By the way, the earliest recorded weather vane is from 60 BC!  It was on top of the Tower of the Winds in Athens, Greece!

 We passed the round barn that I had seen when I drove to Wisconsin by myself back in April.  We didn't take time to stop this time.

The farmers were so busy after all the rain they had had.

They have HUGE bins here!

The ground is so dark and rich in Illinois!

We pulled off the road in Monmouth.  I'd seen a sign for the "Birthplace of Wyatt Earp."

Are you Italian or Scottish?!

Wyatt Earp's birth place.

He was quite the character!  He was on both sides of the law.  He was a professional gambler, owned several saloons, kept a brothel.  He was arrested for stealing a horse but escaped from jail.   He also was a buffalo hunter, mined for silver and gold and refereed boxing matches.  

In 1874, when our ancestors arrived in Kansas, Wyatt Earp also came to Kansas to join the police force, where he got a reputation as a lawman.  (However, his reputed wife had opened a brothel also!  What??!)  After getting in a fistfight with a political rival of his boss, he was dismissed from office and went to Dodge to become the assistant marshal there.  With his brothers and Doc Holiday, they were involved in the fight at O.K. Corral.  You can read a lot about him! 

We saw an interesting car!

And this one too.

At Dixon, we pulled off the road again so I could show Al Ronald Reagan's house that I had stopped to see before too.

Al decided we should follow the Rock River rather than go on the 4 lane to 39 and on to Rockford.  It was a beautiful drive.

A stop at a park to use the facilities (non flush kind, but clean).  Place was flooded.

We stopped to see the Abraham statue I had seen before.

As we got into Rockford, we found another KU fan!

And then we were in Wisconsin!

Hey, there is our car - except in yellow, not baby blue!

They say there are 2 seasons in Wisconsin:
Winter and construction season!

We arrived at the kids' home!!

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