Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Cousins' Week - Christmas at EtCetera

After lunch, we had the children draw names.  We were going to have a summer Christmas gift exchange!  We gave each child a $3 limit to purchase gifts at EtCetera!

 Since we live on the south side of town, going downtown often means waiting on trains!

EtCetera even had Christmas trees set up!  Perfect for what we were doing!

The kids tried to keep it a secret who they were buying for.

 "Oh Nana, this is beautiful!"
But I'm sure Eli wouldn't want that!

 When everyone had picked out what they wanted, Papa took them out to the car while I had the clerk bag everything up.

Another train on the ride back. 
 Supper was at Braum's!

 We drove home and noticed boomer clouds (what we call thunderstorms).

 Raining west of town.

It began raining at our home too. 

With some thunder.  I LOVE a Kansas thunderstorm!

One by one, the kids came downstairs where I was and they told me what they had picked out, and for whom.  They picked out a Christmas sack and put their items in the bags.

 Claire had Elijah's name.  She had purchased him a nice Wilson tennis racket, a shirt, a book and a stuffed dog.

 Eli happened to have Claire's name and he got her 2 horses, a Barbie and a doggie purse.

Emeri had Sophia's name and  got her several things, like a mug and used candle!

 Hannah had Emeri's name.
Hannah's goal was to purchase as many things as she could with $3, which included hangars for a penny a piece!
 Sophia had Hannah's name and gave her sister many "useful" things.
What a riot this was!  Many laughs and lots of fun!

We've done a similar shopping trip, where we have given each child a certain limit and we go through the grocery store and pick out our own dinners.  It is fun and teaches the kids the value of money.

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