Friday, September 6, 2019

Cousins' Week - Yea, tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

Of course, one of the things we HAD to do while the grandkids were here was a trip to the local donut shop!  On the way, we got stopped by  a    L   O    N    G     train!
 We counted how many cars and there were well over 100!  We were stopped quite a while.

Druber's Donuts!
 On the way home, we made a stop at Dillons to purchase a few groceries.

Al had them guess how much $$ it came to.
Sophia, who shops often with her mom, came within $2!

 At home, we got in the "shepherd's fold".

We reviewed Psalm 23 and talked about vs. 4.
Image result for psalm 23:4

"I will fear NO EVIL!"  Imagine!!

I had read this analogy, can't remember where, but it was good.  If we had stood close enough to that train this morning and it's shadow had passed through us, it wouldn't have hurt us!  Not at all.   It is but a mere shadow.  Now, if we had got hit by the train, that would be altogether different, wouldn't it.  

Making shadow pictures
When we die, it is but a shadow, because in reality, as Christians, we do NOT die, but rather we step into God's presence. Like walking from one room into another!  .
 The sting of death is gone!  Christ took the "hit".
Hit "by the train" when He died for us.
What amazing love!

We talked about what heaven might be like with the kids.  We told them the story of Calvin, someone we know who experienced death on the operating table, and then came back to life!  What an amazing story he had; what joy and rapture he felt!  He didn't really want to come back, but the Lord wasn't finished with him here yet.


Shadow tag
 We walk THROUGH the valley.  Not around it.  We will all face hard and difficult times.  We all die (unless He comes again!)  We talked about some of the hardships the kids have experienced.  Their own valleys.
 "Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort us."
Dangers lurk in our journey in this life.  We need to walk close to the Shepherd who will take care of us.    He is with us even when there is distress, calamity or trouble.  Psalm 46:1

          God is my HELP,
                 God is my PRESENT help.
                          He is a VERY present help.
                     He is a very present help in TROUBLE.
                THEREFORE WE WILL NOT FEAR.  Ps. 68:19

The rod is used to drive off the predator.  What predators do sheep have?  Coyotes, foxes, wolves, bears, wildcats like lions and mountain lions.  Papa shared his story of a predator that was attacking their sheep when he still lived at the farm.  One night Al's Dad told him and his brothers to get their rifles.  One climbed the silo, another the shed and then one on the barn and waited for the culprit to show up.  The sheep did not make a sound, but they began to get restless and bang against the gate. (Jesus, the Lamb who was slain for us, also was silent before His accusers. Mark 14:61)  That night, the boys shot the one who had been attacking the sheep.  It was a dog from a neighboring farm.

Image result for sheep

Satan is a roaring lion seeking who he might devour.  We need our Shepherd's care!  Satan's greatest aim is to lure us away from the Lord Jesus.  He will use whatever means to keep us from following Him.  He wants to ruin you.  He speaks lies to us.  "Did God really say.....??"  "Does God really care about you?"  "You are nothing to Him."  On and on it goes.  We ARE in a spiritual battle!

One purpose of the staff is to snag and snatch a lamb from a precipice, to draw it close to the Shepherd.   The Shepherd desires to rescue us.   Some people do not want to be rescued.  They think they can take care of themselves.  Do you know sheep can't take care of themselves?  They NEED a shepherd, and we do too!

We need His presence,
               His protection,
        and His discipline.

 Kobi is a little dog that could have used some discipline!  He was tearing up toilet paper and all kinds of things, chewing on the door stop and what not!  Silly puppy!

Later that afternoon, we went to see the movie Aladdin in Wichita.  A "diamond in the rough" that needed some learning too.  God is at work in each of our lives.

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