Saturday, October 31, 2020

Driving home through Iowa to visit Carolyn's hometown

 I had such a good time at camp, but now it was time to go home to Kansas.

This barn is one I always look for to see if it is still standing.  The house to the barn is across the street.  Can you imagine how hard it was for this farmer to have the interstate highway built between his house and barn?

At Dubuque, I took Highway 20 west, rather than heading to Highway 80 (where I chipped my windshield coming up!) There were pockets of rain showers all around.

I spent the night in West Des Moines.  I was there early and did some shopping first, purchcased a frozen meal that I heated up in my kitchenette.  Then I spent a nice quiet evening studying for Bible study coming up later this week.  

After a good night's rest, I headed west on 80.  This was a busy highway!!  Normally, we would go south on I-35 or take off roads, but I was heading to Atlantic, Iowa to see the town where my friend, Carolyn grew up.  

I pulled over at a rest stop that had a windmill propeller propped up by it.  They are HUGE!!!!

I thought this was an interesting cloud formation.

A happy little town.

It was corn harvesting time.  The farmers were working hard!

And here is Atlantic!  And now Carolyn lives near the Pacific coast.

Evidently, it is the Coca Cola capitol of Iowa.  Hmm.  You can check it out here!  

So, this is the house Carolyn D. grew up in when she was young!

Her grandparents lived across the street in this cute house!

Later, her family moved to this home.

Close to her other set of grandparents.  Well, still not far from the other grandparents either.

I drove downtown and I could just imagine if Carolyn had been in the car with me. She might say "This is where my friend lived.  We would bike to eachother's homes."  or "I loved to shop here!"  

I drooled over this house.

I headed out of town, going south on 71.  A beautiful, hilly drive.

I saw LOTS of signs for Trump!  Everywhere!

Last evening I read that Obamacare architect, bioethicist Ezekial Emmanuel, who is Joe Biden's lead COVID-19 health care advisor is saying the country needs to be in an 18 month coma or shutdown.  He would recommend barring any non-essential interstate travel.

WHAT?? BAR INTERSTATE TRAVEL?? You mean I could not see my children or grandchildren for 1 1/2 years?? They all live in different states!! And "Adventuring and travel" is my 2nd name!! Could I argue a case that needing grandma hugs is ESSENTIAL?!?!

Not seeing my grandchildren and children would be awful, but then I think of Christians around the globe who live under heavy handed regimes who don't allow more than one child (forced abortions), or don't allow worship. Christians are being killed in many countries.

I am seeing America giving up their freedoms too and my heart is sick. But, God is sovereign. He is in control of who is in control. I can trust Him! And if we lose our freedoms, or if we are even killed for our faith, I know I am in His care. Jesus said "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul." Matthew 10:28

I stopped in Lawrence to see my sister-in-law and niece.

Julie and I went out to eat.  We talked for a couple of hours!  I love Julie!!  It is always good to see her and since she moved 2 1/2 hours away, it isn't as often as we'd like!

I would be home for a day and a half and then be on the road again - this time to Colorado to see my daughter and her husband!

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