Monday, November 2, 2020

To Leadville, Colorado

After being home from Wisconsin a day and a half, we took off to see our daughter and her husband in Denver.  Originally, Allen and I were going to fly to San Francisco where they lived.  I was sort of excited to see it, although with their super strict Covid restrictions, many places were closed.  BUT, after moving there last February, Covid happened and Jason had to work from home.  So they were given permission to move back to Denver!  Denver is a lot easier to travel to than San Francisco!  

We like to stop in Colby at this wonderful place!  Beats the other burger joints there by far!!  It is on the north side of I-70.

Heavens!  We should have split this meal!  
We usually do.  We could not finish it.

This place is also a meat shop.  We brought along a cooler so we could pick up some bacon for them.  Here the lady is slicing the bacon.  She will cut it to the thickness you ask.  If you ever plan to stop, they are closed Sunday and Monday so keep that in mind.

We left Highway 70 and turned west at Limon on 86.  It is a beautiful drive!  If you ever go to Denver and usually drive on 70 all the way, you might try this route.  You can see Pikes Peak in the distance.

We arrived at Mindy and Jason's after dark.  The next day we headed out for Leadville.

This wasn't the best year for aspens and many had dropped their leaves already, but there were some good groves.

The homes in Leadville are kind of cute.

At one time, this was a hospital we were told.  Now they are condominiums.

We ate lunch at this little hole in the wall.  Mindy and I had a delicious chicken avocado soup!  I will have to try making it sometime.  We tried to figure it out:  chicken broth, chicken, squash, kale, spinach, carrots, onion, red chili flakes and a bay leaf perhaps?

We got on the Leadville train.  I was so glad Mindy got our reserved tickets for the enclosed car.  It was rather chilly outside.

The Arkansas (pronounced Ar-Kansas for those of us in Kansas) starts here in Colorado.

An avalanche aftermath.

These poor people in the open cars!  I bet they were so cold!!

When the train turned around, the train made a stop so we could stretch and get pictures.

We saw 3 marmots.

When we got back, we drove to Vail and walked around.

Mindy found a candy store.  She eats very healthy, but she does like her candy too!

After eating at a restaurant (most were very pricey, but we did find one that was reasonable), we drove back to the kids' home.

Bear was happy to see us.

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