Saturday, June 11, 2022

An artsy kind of day; Wichita Art Museum, Color Me Mine

 "God designed you both with creativity.  You will need it for today's activity."

Today's riddle was pretty simple.  It was a rainy day and Allen had to go to work, so it was just the kids and I today.

Our first stop - the Wichita Art Museum

Chihuly glass.  You can read about the artist here.

There was a room featuring art deco, which I really like!

Here is the hood ornament on our '54 Chevy!

It was interesting to see some Frankoma Pottery
(I have some too!  I pulled them out later for the kids to see.)

"Learning from the Japanese - exploring connections in block prints."

When we finished, it was still pouring rain.

In keeping with the "art theme" of the day, I had wanted to take the kids to Picasso's Pizzeria, but it was closed for the day.  Shucks.  The kids then chose for us to go to Five Guys.

I had hoped we could stroll along Douglas Avenue to find the 31 bronze sculptures done by artist Georgia Gerber.  Many of these are whimsicle and fun!  I had a map of the sculptures and since it was raining, we just looked for them out of the window of the car.

You might think this bird is real - but Eli had seen to look for a sculpture of a hawk on a light pole.  

Girl with pony; large dog

This is a fountain.  Boy and girl pouring water from paper cup to paper cup.

Fox and prairie chicken

Barefoot businessman; this is a fountain.

You can see more here.

This is the Wichita Sedgwick County Historical Museum, located at 204 S. Main.  It was the City Hall building for 84 years, built between 1890 and 1892.  It was known as the "Palace of the Plains."   I have never been there.  I will have to go there sometime!

Next on the agenda - I drove the kids to  Color Me Mine.  My daughter Jill told me about it.  A perfect place for kids who are so artistic!

The kids picked out their ceramic pieces and picked out what colors they wanted to use.  Once fired in a kiln, the colors will darken.

As it takes several days to finish, I told the kids I would bring these to them someday soon. 

When they were done, we went to the Cold Stone Creamery located next door.  That's another place I've never been to.  Oh my goodness, sooo good! 

Papa was home in the evening and we played some games.

Newtonopoly is like Monopoly, except based on our town with the Bread Basket, Norms, Carriage Factory Art Gallery, Bethel College, Kauffman Museum, Back Alley Pizza, Genova's, Taste of Newton, Ruzens, Blue Sky Sculpture, The Mennonite Settler and Sand Creek Trail as places you land.   It is a l-o-n-g game.  Emeri and I ended up at the homeless shelter and Eli and Papa stopped to finish it the next day as it was past bedtime!

Whoever came up with this did not research our town enough because we have TRAINS!!  28 trains a day roll through town!   Not one was listed!  They should have had the train station, and the famous hihstoric Harvey House.  Perhaps some gunslinger too because Newton was known as the "wickedest town in the west",  rivaling Dodge City.  

Newton doesn't really get "traffic jams" except for train delays (you might sit 10 minutes or more waiting for a train to cross Main), so my granddaughter Hannah added train details to this game.  

* * * *

I picked up the finished art projects when I went to Wichita recently.   When I go to Arkansas next, I will be delivering these.

It was interesting to see the changes once these had been put through the kiln.  The colors deepened and are set.  People often go through "fire" and because of the trials of life, we are also changed.  God often allows these in our lives to strengthen us and that we can be better used of Him.

"Behold, I have refined  you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction."  Isaiah 48:10

"But He knows the way that I take; when He has tried me, I shall come out as gold."  Job 23:10

"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.  But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed."  1 Peter 4:12-13

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