Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Norms, Pickleball and muscles

 Today's riddle was:

We shall see the world
Then balls shall be hurled.
A tisket, a tasket,
We'll fill up a basket.
We'll use your strong muscle
And later we'll hustle
Put...put...put...down the road
If we don't have to get towed.

We "saw the world" at Norms coffee shop.

My dear friend Tarenda and her friend Jerry taught the kids pickleball, thus "balls being hurled".  

For lunch, we went to the Bread Basket (a "tisket a tasket").  When we were playing the game Newtonopoly, Eli "owned" this place!  

Norms was also on that game board, along with the Big Blue Sky sculpture

and watertowers.

After lunch, they used their "strong muscles" to help us move books off the bookshelves and take the boxes to the basement.  We are getting new carpet and the bookcases needed to be emptied so that the carpet guys could move furniture easier.

For supper, we had a "smorgasborg" - eating up all of our leftovers from the week!

We watched Wheel of Fortune.
The kids seemed to enjoy this evening ritual of ours.

Papa and Emeri modeled their "cool" clothes.

The last line of the riddle we weren't able to do.  Boo hoo.  We had hoped to drive the old '54 Chevy to Sonic (put...put...put), but with the buckets of rain coming down, it wasn't going to happen.  The windshield wipers don't always work properly.  Oh well.  

Eli and Papa continued their game of Newtonpoly.  It looked like Eli might win for awhile, but in the end, Papa won the game!

We had had a wonderful time with the kids.  Papa told the kids good-bye, because he would be at work most likely by the time they woke up in the morning.  And I would be taking them back to Arkansas.  Their parents were returning from Israel!

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