Thursday, June 16, 2022

The road home

Although still mighty cloudy, the rain finally stopped.  I looked at the weather map and noticed that it was still raining/storming in eastern Kansas and into Joplin, so I decided we would drive via Tulsa to the kids' home rather than mess with rain.

At Tonkawa, we turned east to Ponca.   
           Of course I have to stop at historical markers!

We turned south on 177.  

We took back roads to Pawnee.  It was a hoot!  We laughed and laughed as we went up and down hills!  It was like a roller coaster!

What?  What did that sign say?  

Black bear country?  Are there black bears around here??  

Well, I guess the highschool mascot in Pawnee is the black bear.  And the river that runs through the town is called Black Bear Creek.  I found this out later.

But we found this!!  Granny's Treasures!  
          "Let's stop, kids!"

There had been so much rain that the mugs were full!

We found a few treasures and continued on.

We got onto 412 and continued on.

Al called and suggested that we stop at the dam and see how it was running because of all the rain.  It definitely was running fuller!

The kids wanted to stop at Napolis again in Sand Springs.  Can you tell how much the kids love this food??

Tummy's full, we continued on our journey.

When we got home, we hung up the bird feeders that Eli had gotten.

The next morning, I played Eli a game of Monopoly.

Then I said my goodbyes to the kids.

I noticed flags being flown at half-mast.  They were for the children at Uvalde.

I was still about 2 hours from home when some guy decided to pass me and the car behind me.  Around a curve.  I had to hit the shoulder so he could get in before an oncoming car hit him.   I had just passed a sign saying there was a passing zone 2 miles ahead.  People.  Use common sense.  Be patient.  I was not driving slow!  Don't put your life and others on the line.  

When I got to Kansas, I saw damage from the Andover tornado.

There is much tragedy in this world.  But God is WITH us in the "storms" of life.  I cling to Him!!  He is my Shepherd, my Guide, my Comforter.  He is Compassionate.  Don't shake your fist at Him.  Take His hand.

"We are fragile, but His Word strengthens us." - Justin Welby, Thy Kingdom Come

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