Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mom2Mom & More

I was looking for a stain glass piece to add to the doorway
to the girl's playhouse in the basement.
Not a fancy piece mind you.
So I went to Layman's Antique mall in Newton
and came out with this! Didn't seem like an antique but I knew the girls would just love this!
I had to get it!
I LOVE going to antique stores.
I get warm fuzzies in there, looking at all the toys I used to play with or books I read as a child. Sometimes I come away with great finds too. Like this doll house above.
When I was a little girl I had a doll house made of tin.
All the rooms had plastic furniture and I played with it for hours!!
I come across these in antique stores.
Again - warm fuzzies!

Here is what Sophie liked about the house.

Tuesday night and this morning we had our
last Mom2Mom of the year.
It has been such a blessing to me!
The speaker this month was Della Loewen.
She spoke on true submission.
She shared how Satan distorts the truth about that.
He wants us to think it is awful.
It is not being subservient. It is not being a door mat.
It is a divine calling to show honor and respect to our husbands.
Respecting his judgment. Not tearing him down.
It is a position we take under him to find rest and covering.
Just as Christ submitted to the Father
we also submit to our husband's leadership.
Della was very honest in her struggles
and I know she would love to talk to anyone
about it if you have questions.
Bobby Friesen took us out to the lobby
to do worship choreography - ok, dance.
Dancing to the Lord.
After giving a few lessons, the girls began the dance.
It was just beautiful and very worshipful!

"Let them praise His name with dancing..." Psalm 149:3

There were give-aways of beautiful flowers.

We also honored Marilyn Reimer.
She has served as the Mom2Mom Coordinator for a long time.
She has been WONDERFUL!
Next year, Carolyn Dewey will be taking the reigns.
The Mom2Mom team is really awesome!!
If you have never come, I hope you do next year!

Sweet Ike and his mommy.

Today was a beautiful spring day. Jill, Adam and the girls
came over for pictures and to walk along the lake.

"The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.

Flowers appear on the earth;

the time of the singing of birds has come..."

Song of Solomon 2:11,12


  1. I had planned on attending Mom2Mom, but it seemed like every evening it fell on, I had something else going on. I guess that happens when you work! I hope to be able to do it next year. I heard this last topic was a very good one. Sometimes I need those reminders....

  2. i love layman's antique mall too! i've found lots of photography props there :)

  3. Thanks for summarizing Della's amazing presentation on submission. I too have really been blessed by Mom 2 Mom this year. I'm glad I've been coming. Also, thanks for posting a decent photo of me "trying" to do Bobbie's praise choreograpy. I'm just such NOT a dancer, but I did enjoy what she taught us -- especially once I got the hang of it.
