Sunday, April 5, 2009


My granddaughter, Emeri Graber, would like to announce that she will become a big sister sometime in November! Her Mommy, Staci, is not feeling well. Not only does she have the typical nausea, but she contracted mono also. Pray for strength for her. We are all soooo excited and wondering if we'll have granddaughter #4 or grandson #1.
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Back in the fall of 2003, our young married small group consisted of Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy (aka Tony and Angela Estes), Cinnamon Life and regular Life cereal (Joel and Kendall Smith), and Samson and Delilah (Allen and I). We enjoyed being together until spring 2005 when Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Ann moved to Lebanon, Oregon. After the Estes went to Oregon, the Jordans, McClenahans, Collin and Andrea Siebert and Marc and Sarah Friesen joined the Smiths and us. Now they all are in various groups of their own. We still like to hang out with these young "kids"!
Tony and Angela decided to come for a visit this past weekend so we had a great reunion along with some new additions.

Kendall and sweet Lily

Tony, Angela and Emma

Oliver loves to hang around.

I took the Estes to the zoo on Saturday. Emma's first zoo experience!
We had to take the regular zoo picture everyone has been showing on their blogs.

The lion was up very close. Emma did NOT want to get any closer!

I put my nose right up to the
glass and quite frankly looked
right into his eyeballs. I about
freaked and thought he would
pounce at me!

Taking pictures for our blogs.

Al and Lily

So when Oliver got on his rocking horse like this, Kendall said, "Oliver, wouldn't you like to come down?" and Joel said, "Oliver, wouldn't you like to rock?" Ha!
It was a good time to catch up on one another's lives. We watched the basketball games and also played Imaginiff, one of our favorite games. Thanks for the visit Tony and Angela and Emma!
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Today I was preparing supper. Jill and the girls had come over for supper while Adam had to go to choir practice. The tv in the kitchen was on and Hannah was intently watching this one commercial. She turned to her mother and said, "Mommy, do you know what Reclass is?" (Reclast, a bone density pill that Al says costs $1500 - you take one a year) Jill didn't understand. "Reading class?" "No. Reclass. It's for women who are swimming. It helps them swim. Maybe you should take some." The commercial obviously showed a lady with strong bones who was swimming.
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Are you following the NCAA bracket challenge? Our family has this ugly trophy that we pass around to the winner each year. The winner has to proudly place the trophy in a visible spot. This year our son is doing really well. Josh is 1,744th in the nation. With around 3.7 million people playing, that puts him 99.95% ahead of everyone! Needless to say, he will have to put that trophy on the mantel he is building for his fireplace!


  1. First, I'd like to say that the trophy is NOT ugly. :-) Second, Hannah wanted you (not me) to take "Reclass". :-) And third - I LOVE the picture of Emeri and can't wait to welcome my first nephew into the world (I'm sure it's a boy)! Oh yes - and finally, thanks for letting us hang out with you tonight. I was at my limit and couldn't have done it by myself. :-)

  2. Congrats on grandchild #4 -- whether it's a boy or a girl -- either is exciting! But, a little boy would be fun. It sounds like you guys had a wonderful weekend.

  3. great zoo pics! i never see the lions up close like that...

  4. Way to go on documenting the weekend! We had such fun with you guys.
