Saturday, July 18, 2009

Anniversary at the Barn, Clean-up & Cora's Playground

A is for Anniversary
B is for Barn
C is for Clean up and Cora's Playground

Anniversary at the Barn:
We celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary last night. Our anniversary is really on the 20th (same as Joel and Kendall, by the way). We went to listen to Chamber Music at The Barn at Prairie Pines. I usually go to these kinds of things with Jennifer Veer - oh Jen, you are going to be sooooo jealous! I got to hear the Fairmount String Quartet along with several other performers! There were violins, violas, cellos, oboe and harpsichord. By the end I was moved to tears. What an incredible evening. I know it isn't Al's favorite thing to do, but he did it for me. He is so sweet! On the 20th, I'll post try to post pictures from the 70's of when we began married life.

C is for Clean up - I was busy the first half of the week with VBS, but on Thursday and Friday I knew I needed to tackle my desk. The before and after:

It took 2 days to go through the pile. So worth it.

C is also for Cora's Playground - Work has begun!! Kris (our children's director) called me to tell me that they would begin tearing out the fence and then the sludge that was put down as our playground surface. We had someone put down this surface who did not know what he was doing. It has been a fiasco to say the least. And not always easy to have a Christ-like attitude about the whole thing either. Good riddance to it I say. I am so excited and looking forward to having the children playing in a new and just wonderful playground -
First, we had to move the old play equipment to the east side where our swings are.

Then they had to remove the fence.

Here are a few boys - young and old - enjoying the machines.

This morning, a Bobcat came in to begin tearing it apart.

And a couple volunteers to shovel the edges.

Next week work will resume.
Shade structures.
Play equipment!

Cora's Playground. It just grieves me that it all had to come about in the way it did. We are all so very sad for Joel and Jess. The tears come unbidden at times. But someday, Cora's little brother or sister will be playing out there! Yay!


  1. yay! i can't wait to see the finished project!!!!

  2. Thanks for the update on Cora's playground..can't wait to see the finished product!


  3. Happy anniversary to you guys!!

    I saw the other day that all the equipment had been moved, but I hadn't seen the flooring torn out yet. It is exciting to see progress but you're right that it's so bittersweet.

    We pray for Joel and Jess daily.
