Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eli's here!

We are the proud grandparents of our 1st grandson - Elijah Daniel Graber! Josh called yesterday morning and said "Pack your bags. The doctor says the baby needs to come!" The original due date was November 12th, with a C-section planned on the 4th. But Elijah was ready to come. He didn't care about dates.

So today, Staci was taken back to surgery.
Elijah Daniel was born about 10 minutes before 1:00 this afternoon. He weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces (what would have weighed full term 3 weeks from now??), and was 19 1/2 inches long.
When Josh came out with the baby, Emeri said "I want to hold Baby Eli!" See her little hands held out for him? It was so cute!

The babies in the hospital are first taken to the nursery center where we can watch as they are weighed, given shots, bathed, etc. Here is Emeri watching her baby brother.

Emeri was finally able to hold her baby brother. She kissed him over and over and over. How she loved him! We'll see how that plays out in a couple of years when he grabs her toys!
So blessed! Thank You, Father, for this precious life!


  1. wish we could be there! Give Eli a kiss for me.

  2. Congratulations, Grandma and Grandpa Graber. You are definitely blessed!!

  3. Aloha! Congratulations on your precious new little boy! Glad to hear he arrived safe and sound. Everyone looks happy!

    See you in about 10 days!

  4. Congratulations! Handsome little guy. (Our last grandchild, April, weighed almost exactly the same and was at least 3 weeks early. We wondered too how much she would have weighed full term--Probably 9-plus like the other two.) Enjoy!

  5. SO sweet!!! And what a BIG boy for 3 weeks early!! Congratulations--we can't wait to see more pics!
