Friday, October 30, 2009


Emeri had her 2nd birthday yesterday.
Happy birthday, Emeri!!

The same day, Elijah Daniel went home from the hospital.
Emery and Elijah's birthdays are 2 days apart.

Elijah's room
Happy to be home.

Allen and I also had to go home :( to Kansas.
We wish we could live closer to them.
Arkansas is a little too far.
Glad at least that Jill's family moved to our town!
Wisconsin was too many hours away!
This morning I got to go to Hannah' preschool!
They were having a fall, silly costume party!
Parents and grandparents were invited.
Even Adam's parents (from Wisconsin) got to come!!
They are here to help watch the children while we are
all involved in Judgement House at church.
So happy they can be here for a week!
Jill teaches music on Friday mornings to the group.
They performed an owl song.

Hannah and her wonderful preschool teacher, Mrs. Smith (Kendall to us!)

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