Monday, April 5, 2010

My parents, Mindy, Jill and family came over yesterday for an Easter dinner. It was a beautiful day for the Easter egg hunt! Some years we have to wear jackets and it is freezing. This was just perfect!

Counting the eggs. Gotta make sure they are all found!

Having just come back from my brother's funeral in Pennsylvania, we just weren't into doing a big traditional Easter dinner with ham and all. We grilled brats and hotdogs and had beet eggs (a traditional Swiss thing - LOVE them!).

After eating, Hannah brought out the basket of resurrection eggs. Hannah opened the numbered eggs that told the story about Christ's sacrifice.

Missed having our son and his family with us!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Love that little ruffly Easter dress.

    The new Italian restaurant I mentioned is in Hesston. I think it's called Ruffinos?
