Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I am in an "older ladies" (ages 50's-60's) Bible study. We've met for years. Such dear friends! This year we studied the book of Isaiah. This morning, we had our last time together until the fall. It was at Mary Ellen's.
Mary Ellen loves birds. And she is a published author now! She wrote the children's book "Flitty, Twitty and Itty Bitty." LOVE IT! So do my grandkids! Such a wonderfully, sweet story about how much God cares for the birds; and He cares for each of us too!
Mary Ellen does such a wonderful job of decorating!

This juice mix is grape juice, diet sprite and sliced lemons. YUM!

She is such a good cook! Mary Ellen likes to try new recipes out on us. We all loved this cottage souffle!

Easy Cottage Souffle'

6 eggs
16 ounces small curd cottage cheese
1 lb Monterey Jack cheese grated or I used cheddar
1 cup biscuit mix
1/2 cup melted butter, divided

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Beat eggs in a medium-size bowl.
Add cottage cheese and cheese; blend well. Stir in biscuit mix and 1/4 cup melted butter.
Place 1/4 cup butter in souffle' dish then add the souffle' mixture.
Bake for 45-60 min.

We read Isaiah 52:13-53:12 about the suffering and glory of Christ.
Everyone wrote out griefs, sorrows, sicknesses, transgressions that they have seen and experienced during the past few days. Or possibly some from long ago too. We put these slips of paper in a cup. It represented the cup that Jesus drank. He bore all our griefs and sins.

"He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
and the punishment that brought us peace
was upon Him
and by His wounds we are healed."
Isaiah 53:5


  1. Beautiful. So sorry to have missed it, but time with Erin is utmost til 10:30 or so today, then I turn back into a pumpkin. HA!

  2. Debby - so excited!! I have a gluten free bisquick mix sitting in my cabinet waiting for the right recipe. Guess what we are having for brunch this weekend!!! Thanks for the great idea.
