Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Monday night was game night for our community life. We played Imaginiff.

There was one extra space so we added Pastor Dave's name.

The question came up:
Imaginiff Pastor Dave were a manager of a store. Which store would he manage?
Dairy Queen
Victoria Secret
Burger King
All for a Dollar
Banana Republic

So how would you answer that?
If you don't know him, he loves a good bargain and likes to go to thrift stores.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Last weekend we took the girls to the circus.
I have this book. I purchased it from the school when they were selling old books. It was just like the 1st grade reader I had when I was little. I thought it would be a good book to read about the circus.

Just like Janet, Jack and Penny acted out "circus", I told the girls we should pretend circus. So we got out some of our "wild" animals and had a circus!

We made a circus train.
Sophia pretended to be a "dood titten" on the train. And sometime a bad titten too. "I meow dood and meow bad." "But when we go back to Newton, I will be a hooman."

Hannah was a wolf. "When I'm a mean wolf, my eyes are red. But when I'm good, my eyes are green." Al said "this is a high intensity circus!"
The girls spent some time making necklaces. Hannah made one for her Samantha doll and one for her friend's Julie doll. Then another one for herself and her friend.
Sophia made this necklace to wear to the zoo on field trip day.
We made this one for Papa. You can't see the "K", but this is a KU necklace.
I taught Hannah how to say Rock Chalk Jayhawk, go KU! It was very difficult for her to say that. It would come out Rock Hawk.

"My daddy's team is easier. Go Pack!"

1 comment:

  1. I used that same book in first grade. My parents have it at their house.

    Lori (Claassen) Goebel
