Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Belated Christmas, part 1

We had made plans to have our Christmas on New Year's Eve day. Grandpa and Grandma would be coming and we would have a feast and then open gifts.

The day doesn't really matter, does it. We really don't know our Saviour's birthday anyway. On the DVD "Star of Bethlehem", he makes a clear case that Dec. 25 is the actual day that the wisemen came and gave gifts to Jesus! (see at bottom) What is important is that we celebrate God's love for us in His most precious gift to us - His own Son!

The grandchildren were so anxious. "Can't we at least open our stockings early? Please??" So that is what we did!

Eli's stocking was handed down again (it first belonged to Hannah) for the anticipated arrival of our 5th grandchild. Of course I had to have a stocking for that special one too!

Showing Sophia the nice burp cloth. Andrea's sister makes these!

Eli loves the movie "Cars" so I got him a Baby Kachow (his name for Lightning McQueen) stocking. I got these sweet hair pins for each of the girls. Julie is making these to raise money for their adoption.
Somehow I didn't get a photo of Hannah's new stocking. She is very much loving horses these days so I got her a horse stocking in place of her princess one.

Lots of fun and more party time to come the next night!

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For centuries, skeptics and seekers alike have pondered the star of Bethlehem. The Bible describes unusual or even impossible astronomical events at Christ's birth. Was it a miracle or mere myth? This compelling DVD - from producer Stephen McEveety ("The Passion of the Christ") - examines Scripture, ancient writings, indisputable astronomical facts and more. Learn nine specific features of the star recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, how it established a date for Jesus' birth and death . . . and its significance for you today!


  1. My parents' 5th grandchild (a.k.a. our second child) also received some Christmas gifts....some onesies and some washcloths. How fun!!!!!

  2. We saw the Star of Bethlehem DVD last night in our CL group. Wonderfully fascinating!
