Thursday, January 5, 2012

Belated Christmas, part 2

We had our Christmas dinner on New Years' Eve. We missed you, Mindy!! Maybe next year we can do it all together once more!

The kids had been waiting to be able to finally smash the gingerbread house and take a bite of it! Sort of hard to see, but Hannah has the hammer and is getting ready to break the house.

I also made a yule log.
After supper, Santa arrived! (I think he needs a new beard!)

Santa passed out a present to each child. Before leaving, he tells them all to be good boys and girls for this coming year!
Papa comes back from "going to the bathroom". "Papa, you missed Santa!"
Emeri saw a Santa at the mall one time and asked her mommy, "Is that Papa?" We enjoy playing this game each year. My mom made this Santa suit for my dad many years ago. My dad has played Santa many times in the past. Although for us, Christmas is more than anything the celebration of Christ, it is fun to do the Santa gig a little.

Look at Eli's lip! He fell when we took a walk around the lake and boogered it up!

Mom gave me this lace tablecloth that used to belong to her mother.

My parents volunteer at Et Cetera and always include some kind of funny or gag gift along with something very nice and practical!
Adam got a reindeer with reindeer poop (chocolate peanuts)!

What a gift - the blessing of family!

1 comment:

  1. Tablecloth looks lovely! A real treasure, to be sure!

    Our girls asked me all during Dec. when we would break my gingerbread house. The morning of Dec. 26 I was "done" with Christmas, called them and them came over in pjs. Put it in a white trash bag and they took turns whacking it with my meat mallet. So fun! Why didn't I take photos??? Having too much fun, I guess. They even took the big pieces home to eat!

    Looks like you had some wonderful family times! How precious your little ones can enjoy their great-grandparents! Some of ours were able to when they were young and they are precious memories, indeed! Happy New Year!
