Friday, July 6, 2012

A trip to the zoo

We took a trip to the Wichita zoo.  The Sedgwick County Zoo is rated #7 in the nation! 
I decided to renew my Grandparent plus membership because it is worth it if you go at least 3 times in a year.  And I do.  And you can never see the whole zoo in a single visit.  At least with little people in tow. 
The tram leaves from the front gate at the top of the hour and we arrived at the zoo right at 10.  So we decided to take a ride all around the zoo first.
When we got to the stop by the boats, we noticed there were boat rides that day.  We love the boat rides!  They were scheduled to leave in 15 minutes, enough time to find a bathroom and take a peek at the bears.

After the boat ride, we went to the jungle.  In the past, the jungle has sometimes been too scary for the little kiddos.  But that day they were happy to go on the adventure.

The bats were so creapy and very active that day.  Crawling up and down the rope.  Soooo gross.

This pose by the penguin sign is a tradition that was started several years ago with the young marrieds and we just have to do it!

Here are a couple of pictures from 2009!  See how they've grown!

 Some children were tuckered out after 2 hours and ready to go eat!  Wish we had packed a lunch, but didn't think of it.  Next time.  You can bring your own picnic to the zoo.  So we will go back soon and plan to do that.
Also, every Friday through Aug. 3 they have Wet-n-Wild Days! They have sprinkler tents and the Sedgwick County Fire Department douses the kids with water.  We've never done it before, but that is on the "to do this summer" list!  I will use my grandparent card to use! 


  1. great pics! we won't make it to the zoo this summer...too hot BUT maybe i'll be adventuresome in the fall :o)

  2. Love the photos!!! Kids are growing so fast! All really darling. Everyone looks so happy. Must have been a fun day! You are brave to go in this heat!!!
