Monday, July 9, 2012

The Weekend

We had a whirlwind of activities this weekend!  

On Friday, we helped Mindy move (forgot camera so no pictures).  Put together the furniture and hung pictures on the wall.  Some of my friends when they have moved wait 6 months before that is done, but Mindy and I are very much alike in this area.  We HAVE to get pictures on the wall the first day!

Saturday, we celebrated my Aunt Millie's 90th birthday at Kidron home where she and my parents live.

After church on Sunday, we had our Teacher's Appreciation Meal - Hog Wild!.  We love to thank the many teachers we have!!  They do a wonderful job with the children of our church!  Since I stepped down this past month from the Nursery Director position due to my health and family needs, I did not help with the plans this time.  It was the very first time that I went through line rather than help plan and serve up the meal.  It felt somewhat wrong not to do that.

Becca and her family are leaving as God has called them into a camp ministry.  I am so excited for them as this has been something they have looked forward to and prayed for ever so long.  And we are excited to see who God brings to take her place!  (little Avery was so cute wanting to join Becca on the platform!  Maybe she wants to be the next Children's Director!)

I can still recall the first Teacher Appreciation meal we planned many years ago. We had 2 tables and honored 10 teachers. We have come a long way!!

 What a privilege to teach children the Word of God!

"We will tell the next generation
             the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
      His power,
                  and the wonders He has done."
                                      Psalm 78:4

Sunday evening is our traditional family time.  The kids come for supper and after that, we watch AFV together. 

We loved on Claire...

 ...and danced too.

On to the week now - cleaning house, taking Aunt Millie to the doctor, going to the peach orchard, etc.

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.  Col. 3:17

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