Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tabor College Basketball

A few weeks ago Allen and I went with Adam and the girls to the Tabor College basketball game.  

It was church night.  The pastors of  the surrounding area were invited to do a free-throw contest at the half-time of the girls' game.  When you arrived at the gym, you signed in under what church you attended.  Then, if your pastor won the contest, everyone from that congregation got free drinks!

Here is Adam making his shot.  Or "not making" his shot as was the case!

The Buhler pastor won free pop for his congregation.

 Adam got his girls a consolation prize!  And popcorn too!  (Don't you just love her nails?)

 A KU fan in the midst.  Well, more than 1 KU fan, actually, since that is our alma mater.

The guy in the gray "Tabor Proud" t-shirt is one of our amazing nursery workers at church!  We call him and Tony our "baby whisperers".

This girl did a better job at her free throw than Adam did.  Ha ha!  (Just rubbing it in, Adam!) She was really good and made lots of baskets. She graduated from the high school where our kids went.

The song "Who Let the Dogs Out" played while the cheerleaders would come around throwing hot dogs wrapped in foil to the crowd.  We snagged 3 hot dogs!!  We let the girls share one and the other 2 we shared with families around us.

It was a tight game!  Tabor won!


  1. Oh, I miss Tabor basketball games. This post brought back lots of memories for me. Thanks for sharing!
