Monday, January 21, 2013

Visiting cemeteries

Maybe the title of this post seems odd to some people, but I have always found walking and exploring cemeteries quite interesting.  There is so much history there.  In 2011 we visited a different place in Kansas each month - places we had never been to before.  In 2012, we went to restaurants we had not tried before. This year we plan to take trips to various cemeteries.

Our first trip was back home, to Pretty Prairie.  This is where Al grew up; about 5 miles southeast of town.

Pretty Prairie is known for holding the largest night rodeo in the state.

Alfalfa, of the Little Rascals, also lived here.
He was a good friend of my Uncle Lee.

We met Al's brother, Sid and family at The Steak House.  We always have such a good visit with them!  Our nephew, on hearing about our going to cemeteries, said "Why?"  I guess some people think it is weird but we just love history.  The connectedness of our past - the people who have gone before us.  Our heritage and their lives that they led have brought us to where we are today.  Such interesting stories to be told by their lives!
After lunch, as we were going out of town, we noticed that they are doing some remodeling to the Sunset Home, where Al's Dad lived for a few years.  At one point, this facility was shut down, but the town people bought it and have revived it!

Our first cemetery that we visited is 1 mile south of the southeast corner of town.  It is on the road that goes to the farm.  I never, ever knew it was there!  It is off the road a little.

There used to be an old schoolhouse there.  Miss Vircillah McClellan was teaching at this school when a covered wagon stopped there.  The small daughter of these travelers had just died and they were seeking help.  There were no churches here so arrangements were made for a simple service at that school and the little girl was buried nearby.  Her grave was first in ground later set aside as Fairview Cemetery.  (from "Pretty Prairie, U.S.A. Facts and Hearsay by Alma L. Graber)
There were only 4 headstone altogether that were still there.  But there were probably others that are no longer there.  Each grave seemed to have iris planted around them and there were a few places with lone iris plants and the ground was sunk just a little; just no marker.
 It seems like this girl's name is Ica.  I've never heard that name before.

On this marker, the husband's name - Asa - is on the north side, and the wife's name - Maryan - is on the south side.  There were 2 little markers on the east side but no names.

What interesting adventures we look forward to this coming year!

1 comment:

  1. I love the history of cemeteries. There is one at the bottom of Coronado Heights. There are three markers on the hillside of the cemetery, one with a man's name, a woman's name, and another woman's name. (I think that's how it is, I know that I thought it unusual in some way) The women's deaths aren't very far apart. It leaves me wondering if the women got along well enough that they didn't mind being buried next to each other, even though they were married to the same man at some point. And why wasn't one on his left and one on his right? :)
