Friday, January 10, 2014

Santa rings the doorbell

Every year, after we tell the real Christmas story, Al slips away saying he has to go to the bathroom.  While he is busy with his "duty", Santa appears to pass out gifts!  After Santa leaves, Al comes back and is clearly upset that once again he has missed Santa's appearing!

* * * * * * *

This year, the children were talking that they would find Papa.  But after the Christmas play, while everyone was signing their autographs, Al slipped out - this time to the garage!  All of a sudden the children realized Papa was missing!   So they ran to the back room to find him.

The doorbell rang and who should appear but....


Where are the reindeer, Santa?

 Santa passed out the stockings.

I always debate about what to put in the stockings....(oh, I mean, Santa is always wondering what the elves should pack in them)

 Everyone always gets socks. 
 A challenge to find them for this big fella's feet!

 There is always something for Mindy's kitty too.

Yes, these are for real!

Other things found in stockings:  beauty products like chapstick, lipsticks, nailpolish; 
always a chocolate Santa, 
note cards, pens, items for the kitchen, food, earrings,colorful Band-aids for the kids, stickers, markers....
I look all year for items to stash away  (as Santa's helper, of course)

 Then it is time for Santa to say good-bye.

A little sheep is sad to see him go.

He'll be back next year!

And now it is time to open more gifts........!!!

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