Thursday, June 26, 2014

A progressive dinner

For a few years now, the ladies at our church organize a progressive dinner.
This happened a while back.  
We had another one - a little late posting!

I LOVE progressive dinners!  Thank you, girls for planning these!      

  Here is Andrea making strawberry soup as our 1st course - the appetizer.


 (thank you, Jessica, for these pictures!)

We were given assignments as to which homes we would be going to.  I was in group #1.

Read about group #2 here.

Our first home was to Carinda's.  She helps in the nursery, so I knew her, but I did not know her room-mate.

We had a delicious salad and bread at her home.

Next course - main dish at Kay's home.  I learned some new things about Kay.  She has had an interesting life, having lived in 4 countries other than the States!

We ate on her covered back porch.  Lovely!

 For dessert, we went to Janice's home.

We took turns sharing about ourselves.
Such interesting things!
Because at church, often it is a "Hi, how are you?" situation, many of these women I did not know very well.  Going to a progressive dinner helps one find out about others.

Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, 
because love covers a multitude of sins. 
Be hospitable to one another without complaint. 
1 Peter 4:8,9

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of a progressive dinner, but it sure sound like great fellowship with your church friends! What a neat idea!
