Friday, September 9, 2016

When it rains

We've had lots of rain!  3 3/4 yesterday and another 1 1/2 inches last night.
More is predicted later today.
The creek behind our house is running full.
(Is it pronounced creeeeek or crik?  My husband says crik) 

The great egrets are happy!  Must be lots more frogs or fishies for them!

I saw this small water bird yesterday.  Looks a little like an imature white ibis (which turns white when mature) except that it's tummy is also black and not white.  The tip of the bill is black, just like the ibis would be,  Any thoughts out there?  Sorry it isn't any more "not fuzzy" .  Used the wrong lens or setting.  A professional photographer I am not!!

Isn't it cute!!?

A young mississippi kite (I think) searching for food

The flowers are enjoying the rain too.

 My porch plants are loving it too!

And of course our willow is loving all that moisture!

Claire wanted to fill several vases yesterday.

This vase belonged to my Grandmother.  
Isn't she just so precious?  
 I love the hat draped behind her.

Hannah loves to take pictures and she took some closeups the other day.
She is good and I had to share her photos too!

"Drip down, O heavens, from above, And let the clouds pour down righteousness; Let the earth open up and salvation bear fruit, And righteousness spring up with it. I, the LORD, have created it."  Isaiah 45:8

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