Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Shoeboxes, Haiti trip 2

 We had put all the contents of the shoeboxes in 2 quart baggies when we were in the States so that it would travel better, stacking shoeboxes into suitcases too.  Now it was time to repack all the items into the correct boxes.

  We decided to wrap all the lids with Christmas wrap (some were already wrapped).

After we were done, the next days were spent handing out the shoeboxes to each class of children.  The 2's on one day, the 3's the next, etc.  Hope would gather 3 children at a time from each class and we'd give them their shoebox to open.   Some of the children were so excited; others a little bewildered perhaps.  As if to say "for me?"  Kids would blow the horns they received or pretend to drive the little cars they got.  What joy for each child!

Hope would ask what their favorite thing was.  For many, it was the sunglasses!  One child from last year told Hope "soap!"   Many of the girls loved the dolls they received!  Many loved the candy canes!

The Awana girls sponsored this girl.

These girls jumped into Hope's arms and cried with joy.  I did too.  It was very emotional!

 The cool thing about this trip was seeing my own sponsored Christmas shoebox children receive their gift from Al and me!

We special packed this crown so it wouldn't get broken in transport. 
She loved it!

This was the boy we had last year! 

Hannah's family's little girl

After each group would open up their boxes, they would go back to their class with the promise that they could take the shoeboxes home with them at the end of the day.  

 Parents were assured that each child would receive a shoebox - each class on a separate day.

Besides shoeboxes, we also purchased uniforms for all the children.  A local tailor was found who sewed all of them.  They didn't all arrive until the last day (and a few missing, but will come soon.)

I was brought to tears when the gates opened and parents saw their children in their uniforms.  They were so excited and surprised.  They clapped, cheered and some jumped up and down!

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